About Me — Kris Benevento

Transformer. Seeker. Inspirer. Uplifter. Action-taker.

Author Kristine Benevento
About Me Stories


Photo provided by the author


What you have to know first and foremost is — I am a Kroppkakor fan. Inside that potato-wrapped meatball is teamwork, joshing, ribbing, kidding with generations of family, great anticipation, history, memories, deliciousness, hard and tedious work, and let me say — when good food meets family time, I cannot ask for more.

Family, whether it is my immediate relationships, my extended family, the family that develops from the heart, or the human race in general, I am looking for unity, cohesiveness, and reaching across the aisle to find a place where we can all meet. Elevation. A wider view. Something in common. It’s there. We have to find it.

Looking back, I can see that life leaves us certain mile markers. One of my most important is I am, first and foremost, a sister, wife, and mother.

The Early Years

I am one of nine siblings. With my parents both gone now, my brothers and sisters are my foundation, reminding me where I came from and how far I have progressed. They are the keepers of shared memories, sounding boards in my present, and will hopefully be with me long into my future.

