About Me — Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes

Writer, mermaid, author at heart, dreamer.

Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes
About Me Stories
3 min readDec 14, 2023


Amman, Jordan — Picture provided by author.

Hello Friends,

I’m May! May Zaben. I’m a student, writer, poet, passionate creator, Medium blogger and an avid reader. I have thought about many ways of introducing myself here, and since there’s so much I want to say, I thought, ‘Why not put everything in a factual sort of list?’ Like a list of facts about me. Fun, right? So, here are my facts below… enjoy!


Fact 1: I am Palestinian-Saudi and proud to be. I was born and raised in Saudi Arabia and have roots in Palestine. I think it’s beautiful when someone says ‘roots’ because to me, that signals where you are from and shows the connection you have with something you love so dearly.

Fact 2: I am 21 years old and a huge music lover; I have a Spotify playlist called ‘Beautiful’ with songs from The Fray, Cairokee (an amazing Egyptian band), Coldplay, The Script, The Calling and much more. I have a soft spot for any music that touches me and I sing myself! Would love to put out a song someday.

Fact 3: I am a Muslim woman and a streams-of-consciousness writer. I have a strong connection, love and passion for my faith and as a writer, I feel comforted and most myself when creating stories. I recently started calling myself a ‘multi-genre storyteller’ which might sound entitled to many, but to me it just makes me laugh. A lot.

Fact 4: I make jokes and puns that don’t make sense, and I have a soft spot for a song called ‘Your Guardian Angel’ by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (I wasn’t kidding when I said I love music).

Fact 5: I play the piano (have for ten+ years) and I want to learn the guitar some day.

Fact 6: I started a blog here called ‘Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes’ (I also call myself that) and it’s mainly for being myself, encouraging others to do the same, and inspiring people with my words. My hope is that by writing my pieces and putting them out, someone can feel just a little better. That’s really all I want. If you want to know why I decided to call myself and my blog ‘Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes’, please click on the following link that will take you to my first post on Medium and will explain why: https://medium.com/@mermaidwithseagreeneyes/entry-from-a-mermaid-whos-not-actually-a-mermaid-but-just-go-with-it-a898913b0de2. You might laugh, you might not, but I hope you enjoy it!

Fact 6: I have a fear of being vulnerable with writing sometimes, mainly because I spent the last few years figuring out who I was as a writer and mending my relationship with writing. I am a lot closer to my passion now and feel a strong connection to it, which I am very thankful for. I started writing more regularly as well and have my blog to thank for that.

Fact 7: I would like to publish a book some day and have it be about something in the streams-of-consciousness form. I hope people love it.

Fact 8: I am so excited to be introducing myself here! I joined Medium a couple months ago and feel very blessed to be writing these words. I’ve met amazing people so far and am thankful for them.

Fact 9: Forming relationships is actually one of the things that makes my heart melt, so if you’re here, please accept a wonderful ‘hello’! And if you’ve never met me (which is likely the case), it is nice to meet you!

Fact 10: There is a lot more to know about me, but I think that’s all I have to say for now.

If you’d like to stick around for more and read what I write, feel free to join me on @Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes (https://medium.com/@mermaidwithseagreeneyes)! Would love to see you there.

Otherwise, thank you for reading thus far — I am so thankful. You are awesome, you are amazing, and you are full of love!

Have a wonderful day.

Sincerely and officially,

Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes (and — also — May)



Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes
About Me Stories

A girl who wants to write and show her heart to the world: May, or Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes.