About Me — Nivedita Basu

Exploring, finding new passions, and emerging to be a better person

Nivedita Basu
About Me Stories
3 min readDec 3, 2020


Hello there! Hope you’re having a good day! Quy discovered my profile recently and reached out to me to write my story. This is by far the most unique publication I’ve come across on Medium. It’s mostly the writing that everyone is concerned about. But what about the writers and their lives?

Picture provided by the author

How it started?

I live in Bangalore, India. I am 19 years old and currently studying Psychology, English, and Journalism in my second year in Bangalore. For most of my life, I’ve struggled either with health issues or study issues. From one to two years after birth, I had health complications that aggravated recently, and are on the verge of vanishing. When I say study issues, I mean my parents spent a lot of money on my tutors so that I could improve in Math, Science, and English (I still don't have a great relationship with the first two). English has definitely helped me and I am trying to make it my strong point. Moreover, school is someplace I don’t want to go back to.

My parents were spending thousands so that I could get good grades in the 10th board exams. Along with this, my parents also admitted me into a dance and music school. Frankly, I never practiced and didn’t make anything of a dancer or a singer. This made me feel guilty. I regret not giving importance to it and taking it more seriously. However, the singing has helped to an extent. I am improving my vocals and learning how to play the guitar. It’s going great so far!

Three years back, I tried getting into one of the best colleges in Bangalore for Psychology, and I failed. The cut off was higher than expected. I tried last year again. Failed miserably. My eyeballs sailed in an ocean of tears. I had made up my mind that no matter what, this time I will get in. But not everything goes as planned right? It was a learning for me. I knew from then on, that I had to work harder than my counterparts in better off colleges to achieve the things I want.

October 2019 started off well but ended on a bad note. I was going through a rough time mentally and my grandfather also passed away during this time. You may find it hard to believe, but this was the time I started my blog on Medium. This has got me the farthest from any year in my life. From my first article to the one I’m writing now, I can feel the difference start from what I think, to what I pen down. My goal is to connect to readers through my words. I am not here to convince them, I am here to help them improve themselves, tell my story, and write about the things that happen in my surroundings.

How its going?

As for the blog, it’s going great! I am learning and improving. I am currently working as an intern with a mental health company and that is going great too. Other than that, when I’m free, I play the guitar, read books, listen to music, try a new recipe, or just indulge in retrospection and introspection.

Here are a few of my articles that were published —

This was my first article published in Thinking about Change

This article was published in CARRE4

I recently got added as a writer to both Illumination and About Me Stories

Thank you for patiently reading my story and getting to know me :) Lastly, a quote that I resonate with is

“Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached.” — Swami Vivekananda

You can reach me out on basu.nivedita01@gmail.com

