About Me — The Purposeful Writer

Passionate writer||motivational speaker|Help people navigate life’s challenges, embrace their strengths, and confidently pursue their passions.

About Me Stories
3 min readNov 12, 2023


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Hi there,

I’m so excited to be here!

I am a passionate writer, motivational speaker, and life coach who empowers individuals to discover their purpose and express their true selves. With a focus on the challenges and triumphs of young adults, I help my audience navigate life’s twists and turns, overcome obstacles, and confidently embrace their unique identities.

I have always been scared of what people would say about me or my writing. I was so afraid of failure that I doubted my abilities and questioned whether or not I had anything valuable to share. I was constantly asking myself questions like "Will people accept me?" and "Will I have the right audience for my work?" These fears held me back from expressing myself fully and pursuing my dreams.

In 2023, I decided to make a change. I decided to break free from my fears and start expressing myself without inhibition. I started writing about my experiences, my thoughts, and my feelings. I even wrote a poem titled "Hidden in a Shell" it speaks about my comfort zone.

As I started to write more, I noticed a change in myself. I started to feel more confident and self-assured. I realized that I had something valuable to offer the world. I also realized that I didn't need everyone to like my work in order to be successful. All I needed was to be true to myself and write from the heart.

I am still on this journey of self-discovery and self-expression. But I am no longer afraid of what people will say. I am confident in myself and my abilities. I know that I have a unique voice to share with the world.

I encourage you to do the same. Don’t let fear hold you back from expressing yourself.

My journey as a writer began without a niche, but through personal experiences and conversations with fellow young adults, I found my calling in sharing relatable stories and insights. I believe that by openly sharing our struggles, weaknesses and successes, we can connect with others, foster empathy, and inspire growth.

My expertise lies in addressing the experiences of young adults, from the anticipation of college to the complexities of life after college, careers, relationships, and personal fulfillment.

I strive to bridge the gap between individuals and their potential, guiding them towards self-discovery and empowerment.

Through my writing, coaching, and motivational speaking engagements, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of words and guidance. I am committed to supporting individuals as they navigate life's challenges, embrace their strengths, and confidently pursue their passions.

My articles include topics related to:

a) Creative ideas on how to monetize my knowledge

b) How to treat your employee

c)Purpose and lots more.

I am thrilled to join the Medium community and connect with fellow writers and readers. I look forward to learning from others, sharing my insights, and inspiring individuals to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and purpose.

Check out my articles.



