Weekly About Me Stories Newsletter — 12|26|22
New Introductions to About Me Stories!
About Me — Joyce Nielsen
I am a child of the woods. I grew up on a mountaintop in New York State. My parents settled under the Homestead Act. I spent my early formative years living in a surplus Army Hospital Tent. The forest setting was my primary teacher.
My spirit resonates with anything found in Nature. I am most comfortable living, working, and recreating in a wilderness environment. I find the energy of cities abrasive and noisy. My best friends are trees, flowers, birds, and all creatures.
About Me — Virgil Brewster
I got my first Aha moment when I read the book “Rich dad, Poor dad” from Robert Kyosaki. It opened my eyes to money and business. This is what they’re supposed to teach in schools. I realized that my destiny was to become an entrepreneur.
About Me — Brandün Waller
Sad but true, I was a man plagued by many self-inflicted troubles, poisoned by the swinging pendulum of the mechanism contained within the man writing these words. I struggled to recognize myself. Once my guilt and sorrows were consumed, I was hell-bent upon a path of personal reckoning.
About Me — JD Nealey
I love art, science fiction, horror, firearms, most music you can readily understand, and anything eighties related.
My hobbies include fishing, boating, reading, writing, cooking savory dishes, and eating, as well as going to the gym.
About Me — Heorhi Talochka
In 2018 I earned a chance to study in Poland and received a national polish scholarship for “Poles abroad” so I could sustain myself. From that point in my life, I was basically thrown into deep waters and was taking care of myself completely on my own.
Man, what an experience it is for an 18-year-old guy to live in a foreign country, having to do everything (budget planning, earning, cooking, cleaning, studying, etc.) by himself. If you wanna call it a life-changing experience I would totally agree.
About Me — Stephenie Magister
I wrote by hand when I had to, but a laptop helped my hands move as fast as my mind. I later learned to slow down, to appreciate the patient focus of a pencil, but 2007 was barely ten years since I’d gotten out of the last hospital.
Along with standard hospital visits to document my rapidly diminishing weight — trauma and dysphoria manifest in all sorts of ways — I stayed longer periods at the Children’s Rehabilitation Center, then Millcreek of Magee Treatment Center, then Oak Circle Center of Whitfield, each one in that deep south state of Mississippi.
Joyce Nielsen Virgil Brewster Brandün Waller JD Nealey Heorhi Talochka Stephenie Magister ✨
It’s been awesome knowing more about you! Thank you for sharing your story!
Welcome to About Me Stories! ❤
Happy holidays to you with your families and loved ones!