Amar Shukla
Published in
5 min readJun 13, 2017


Part-3 Configuring DietPi

In the last article Part -2 Flashing DietPi we have seen how to flash DietPi on our microSD card, in this article we will configure it so that we can start using it.

Boot the Pi, instructions will load and screen will halt with a message displaying login credentials. Enter username as root and password as dietpi and hit enter. If login is successful, you will get below screen :

DietPi License

Hit enter and you will get the next screen since by this time you must have not enabled internet -

no internet connection error

Select Ok and hit enter, You should now get DietPi config screen as shown next.

DietPi config

Hit Enter and you should get Network options screen -

Network Options

Here on this screen you can chose your desired option as per your network adapter. Since I have assumed that you must be aware of how to select these options but for those who are still puzzled about it, use your keyboard arrows (keyboard connected with RaspberryPi) to select the option. I have wireless router at home so I will go with WiFi option from the above list and hit enter.

wifi disabled

From now onwards when I say proceed next, it would mean “select Ok and hit Enter”, it will save our time and space.

wireless network options

Here we get 6 options to choose from, First I will change the Country code to In since In is country code for India. It’s straight forward, select “Country” option using keyboard arrows and hit enter. It now prompts you to type new country code, I typed IN and hit ok. I will go with Scan option since it will list out all the available wifi options so I do not need to input SSID manually. Select Scan and proceed.

listed hotspots

This screen displays all the available wifi hotspots near by. I chose mine wifi connection i.e Flexian2 and proceed next.

wifi password input screen

As my wifi network is password protected, I have to type in my password here. Enter the password and proceed next.

WiFi configuration

We get a confirmation screen as shown above. I have erased KEY as it is my wifi password displayed in plain text. Select Ok and hit enter.

Connection is now completed but still it warned me that no internet connection available. Since I was sure that I had entered correct credential therefore I decided to exit the config screen and go for test connection.

Config completion

Luckily I was right and that was kind of a bug that it wasn’t able to detect my wifi connection. As soon as I came out of that config wizard DietPi repositories started updating, so far so good.

updating repositories

After all he repositories are updated successfully it will prompt you to reboot the pi.

repo update completed

Hit enter to reboot Pi. After the boot, enter user and password to login into DietPi main screen which looks like this -

DietPi main screen

As we know that DietPi is Non-Gui OS by default therefore do not expect to get an GUI interface after login, although you can now install your desired desktop environment such as Gnome, KDE, XFCE etc since they are available in repository.

So that was it, you have your DietPi configured and connected to internet, go play with it. I thought to explore it a bit and selected Software Optimized from the menu.

DietPi repo listed softwares

As we can see in the image there are plenty of packages available in the repo, Under Desktop LXDE, MATE, XFCE, etc all desktop environments are available.

Packages under DietPi repo

Here we have found something that we will be using in our project RPi.GPIO : gpio interface library for rpi (python)

Select it and hit enter to select this package for installation. No, installation has not started yet, to do so you will have to select Install from the menu as shown in below screen.

Start installation of selected package

It will start downloading the package from repo and install it.


So we have completed the DietPi configuration and installed gpio interface library in this blog post. In the next post we will setup our Development environment including Database server, Python development environment and other stuffs, stay tuned.

