When Specific Doesn’t Work, Go General

Finding a niche might be overrated

David Andrew Wiebe
Abundance Attraction


Everyone in marketing and entrepreneurship says to go niche. Drill down until you can drill no more.

Let me offer a bit of a different perspective.

Towards the end of 2020, I started broadening my audience. Instead of creating content and products exclusively for musicians, I began extending my reach into the much broader, more competitive, and now trendy world of creatives and creators.

People have always told me that my books and products could be just as applicable to freelancers, entrepreneurs, and other creatives as they are to musicians. So, however illogical in the minds of the so-called “experts,” it made sense to me to pivot and try something new. What would be the harm? I was feeling stuck doing what I was doing.

Again, this isn’t supposed to work. You aren’t supposed to go general or broad.

But I did. And I was surprised by the results. My Twitter engagement started going through the roof, I’ve been added to numerous Medium publications, and my content is now being syndicated more widely. People have expressed gratitude for my emails and newsletters as well.

I would not say that I’ve arrived, and I haven’t found the exact breakthrough I’ve been seeking. I…



David Andrew Wiebe
Abundance Attraction

Empowering independent artists to share their passion, build devoted fan bases, and turn creativity into income.