Why Me?

John B. Petersen III
Abundant Daily
Published in
1 min readNov 5, 2018

One of my favorite questions to ask myself during times of integration is:

Why me?

The meaning and energetic behind that question is everything though.

From an energetically poor state, this question takes a whiny, victim tone. “Why does all of this bad stuff happen to me?”

When we tap into our Abundant Self and ask the same question, it takes on a whole new meaning. “Why is this happening for me? What is this experience trying to show me about who I am becoming? Where is the gift in this experience that I’ve yet to fully see?”

When we hold our Golden Path as sacred, everything that is happening to us, for us and around us is a part of our journey. How we choose to relate to those parts (the welcomed parts, the unwelcomed parts and everything in between) is where we find our greatest transformations and growth.



John B. Petersen III
Abundant Daily

Living somewhere between the past and the future and building next generation products at Abundant through technology and simplicity.