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Teaching Academia
Teaching Academia
Discusses issues of teaching and learning in higher education
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Going Fully Online

September 11, 2017Teaching AcademiaComments: 0

It started. This week I began my year-long adventure into teaching a 100% fully online class for the first time ever. Up to this point I had only taught hybrid. So….what happened during my first online week? Well, other…

Microlearning in F2F Classes

Recently, I read this post by Peggy Semingson. In it, she discusses the concept of microlearning in online education. She defines microlearning as:

Microlearning consists of microcontent that is delivered via an electronic device, including but not

Issues of Time in Teaching Online: Part 1

One of the things I have struggled with in going fully online is thinking through issues related to time. Specifically I have had to think through: (a) how much time students should spend engaged in the course during a week and (b) how much time I will be…

The Messiness of Online Teaching

As you know, I am gearing up to teach my first fully online course this fall (and a second in the spring). Until now, I have taught only hybrid classes. I’m very excited and, if you’ve been following, I’ve been exploring lots of ideas for what I might do (see here, here…

The Scary Part About Being a Student

Recently, I drove about 1800 miles to move from Durham, NC to Laramie, WY. You can do the drive in three days if you’re willing to drive 8–10 hours a day and stop only for necessities. I didn’t want to do that and took 5 1/2 days to get here stopping to see the…

The Campus LMS: Bound to the System

Regardless of if you teach online, face-to-face, or in a hybrid format you likely have some experience with a Learner Management System (LMS). And, I assume your campus subscribes to one which, technically, means you are supposed to use it.

Documenting Customizable Pathways in Online Learning

Last week, I wrote about the concept of customizable pathway design in online learning. I ended the post by asking three questions:

  • How do we document this?
  • How do I know that students…

Dual Pathways in Online Learning

I’m slowly plugging away at developing my online class for the fall. In previous posts, I have talked about developing a story for my syllabus to tell (see Part 1 and Part 2). And while I’m still working on identifying readings, I am also exploring ideas about how to…

Online Courses: Lessons Learned (Part 2)

Last week, I wrote about how I have been taking two online courses and lessons I was learning as part of being a student in that context. Previously, I wrote about what I learned from taking the Twitter Masterminds course. Today, I want to share with you a…

Taking An Online Course: Lessons Learned

While I am in the early stages of planning my online course, I am also in the middle of taking two of them! It made me wonder how many people who teach online courses have gotten the opportunity to take one? We’ve all taken plenty of face to face classes for…