Go to Accedia
Accedia is an EU-based IT company, specializing in technology consulting and software development.
Note from the editor

Accedia is an EU-based IT company, specializing in technology consulting and software development.

Go to the profile of Yana Doshkova
Yana Doshkova
Marketing Director @AccediaIT. Building relationships that bring out the value of technology solutions. Travel addict, baking enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Violeta Uzunova
Violeta Uzunova
Marketing Specialist @AccediaIT. Promoting the value of developing software innovation. Social Media savvy, passionate about writing and traveling.
Go to the profile of Tereza Denkova
Tereza Denkova
Marketing Associate software development service @AccediaIT. Passionate about offline, online communications, consumer behavior profiling, and charisma studies.
Go to the profile of Nikolay Ivanov
Nikolay Ivanov
Marketing Associate at Accedia. Just your friendly tech-savvy neighbor that’s into visual arts and music.
Go to the profile of Iva Hadzheva
Iva Hadzheva
Marketing Specialist at Accedia. Content marketing enthusiast with a passion for languages and all things digital.
Go to the profile of Yana Doshkova
Yana Doshkova
Marketing Director @AccediaIT. Building relationships that bring out the value of technology solutions. Travel addict, baking enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Ivan Kyuchukov
Ivan Kyuchukov
Developing applications on the Microsoft .NET stack. Passionate about climbing high peaks, professionally and literally. Also enjoys hiking and traveling.
Go to the profile of Bozhidar Goranchev
Bozhidar Goranchev
An IT professional passionate about the application of cutting edge technology to both business and everyday environments.
Go to the profile of Todor Vasilev
Todor Vasilev
I am Software consultant @Accedia. Determined to overcome any obstacle on the way to deliver a valuable product or finish an ultra marathon.
Go to the profile of Nikolay Ivanov
Nikolay Ivanov
Marketing Associate at Accedia. Just your friendly tech-savvy neighbor that’s into visual arts and music.
Go to the profile of Ribarsky
Go to the profile of neli kosturska
Go to the profile of Dnstoichkov
Go to the profile of Yordan Lyubenov
Go to the profile of Ana Valeva
Ana Valeva
Ana is a Senior Employer Branding Specialist at Accedia, a leading IT Consultancy in Bulgaria. She holds a degree in public relations/corporate communications.
Go to the profile of Chavdar Angelov
Chavdar Angelov
Passionate software engineer specializing in .NET and GraphQL. I love crafting code and writing blog posts to share insights from my work.