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Star Rating

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Cutoff Prediction Results for 2017 Star Ratings

New Star Rating cutoffs for 2017 are out. As expected, the new cutoffs deviated from last year’s cutoffs, and will substantially affect the calculation of the overall Star Rating. Once again, many MA plans will be surprised.

Have Star Ratings improved medication adherence?

Each year, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) collect various quality and performance measures on Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. CMS analyzes this massive collection of information and assigns from 1 star to 5 stars to each…

SRS Part 6: Dissecting readmission rates

If you carefully read the technical notes of 2015 star rating, you will discover that the readmission rates are not the observed hospital readmission rates. The equation in Attachment F shows how the final rate is calculated.

SRS Part 3: Are 5 star plans better at everything?

From our previous posts, you may remember that the star rating system is quite similar to how we calculated our GPAs (the average of your letter grades). For example, you may have gotten A’s for math courses, but B’s for liberal arts courses…