Go to Acquire
Acquire is the first communication platform to innovate beyond traditional text chat widgets and connect customers and companies through our multi-channel/AI chat messenger.
Note from the editor

Acquire is the first communication platform to innovate beyond traditional text chat widgets and connect customers and companies through our multi-channel/AI chat messenger.

Go to the profile of Sawaram Suthar
Sawaram Suthar
Director at Middleware.io , Part of @ycombinator W23, Growth Marketer, Entrepreneur, Founder at @thenextscoop , @entrepreneur and more
Go to the profile of Rohma Abbas
Rohma Abbas
Head of Content at Acquire. Opinions, though sparse, are my own.
Go to the profile of Sawaram Suthar
Sawaram Suthar
Director at Middleware.io , Part of @ycombinator W23, Growth Marketer, Entrepreneur, Founder at @thenextscoop , @entrepreneur and more