As data visualizations go, force-directed graphs can be fun to play with; and intuitively insightful and informative —…
Olu Oni, Managing Principal at Acuity, will be presenting at the Technology & Operational Strategy conference and will be a panelist at the OTC Derivatives For Fund Management conference discussing SEF infrastructure.
Inventory Aging is a rather innocuous looking member of the band of (now) seven metrics that, under the Volcker rule, banking entities with significant trading assets and liabilities are required to calculate…
For Swap Dealers (SD) and Major Swap Participants (MSP), Friday October 12, 2012 was the effective date for which compliance to the swap public and regulatory reporting rules of the Dodd-Frank Act is required (for interest rate…
“The storm starts, when the drops start droppingWhen the drops stop dropping then the storm starts stopping.”― Dr. Seuss, Oh Say Can You Say?
One thing is for certain, they will have less secrets.
Regulatory oversight will ensure that, even if the current zeal lasts only 3 years (assuming a political shift in attitude 1…