Digital Creativity: Apps,Games and Coding Lab

The highlights of the courses


In this article we were asked to present the highlights of Ad&PrLAb more specifically, on the Digital Creativity: Apps,Games and Coding Lab. The purpose of this course was to introduce us to basic digital tools that we will be useful for our future projects and later on our career.

We started our semester with three sessions dedicated to the use of the WordPress platform. Mr Athanasios Kontaxis was there as a “guest” teacher to guide us through our website building.We firstly built up our own personal sites with the guidance of Mr. Kontaxis, taking our skills to a higher level. These sessions were very helpful when we were asked to add up to our innovation brand projects with official sites.

In the following session we learned about the KineMaster video building app by practically using it to make 2 videos(one of our choice and one based on the 5 shot rule)in only 30 minutes.This was definitely the highlight of our session, as going out in the streets of Plaka to take interviews ended up being one of the most awkward but funny experiences we have had so far.

Then we were asked to Make a short video and PPT presentation about what Ad&PrLab means to us which was a fun way of showing our perspective on the work that has been put on by our teachers .We kept it simple,full of colors and added some creative touches to make it more interactive and fun and the result did us justice.

Piktochart was the next platform we were introduced to by our professor Stavros Kaperonis. We really felt like we could handle the artistic aspect of Marketing and Advertising when we were challenged to make posters and info-graphics as our re positioning for an already existent brand. Our choice was Loumidis Coffee as we though that it is a brand overlooked by younger people and came up with some ideas about how to put a youthful twist on it’s ads but also keep it’s traditional feeling. We also made a publication about this project on medium platform, so you can see our proposal here in detail.

Ux Prodigy founders Panagiotis Zaharias and Antonis Birmpas were the next people to visit us and share their knowledge in the marketing business. They showed us how many things a business company needs to check before declaring a website effective and all the necessary steps someone has to follow in order to evaluate it correctly and finally approve it as a fully functional one. We were shocked to find out how many of the websites and apps we use in our everyday life were actually dysfunctional. Then we were asked to evaluate a website of our choice following everything we learned from our session. Having personal trouble with using it we chose the Hawkers website.

Two sessions later Magy Kontou was invited as our next guest in the lab, and showed us the basics of using the platform in order to build our own app for our personal Innovation Brand (Caro). We practiced our skills during the session by following her steps, making it one of the most interactive lessons we have had so far.

Last but not least, we were asked by our professor Ms.Betty Tsakarestou to put down our own ideas on how the AD&PrLab can be developed in the future. We pointed out all the problems we faced during this semester and tried to find the best solutions by thinking as much out of the of the box as possible. We were surprised to find out that,even though our professors are doing the best they can, there is a lot of room for improvements. As a team our main focus was to find ways to upgrade our skills on graphic design, power point presentations, website and app building, Photoshop and montage. Our suggestion was the creation of workshops were we would practice on these tools/programs with the guidance of experts.

Overall, this semester was a great experience and we feel lucky being a part of this whole project. We gained a lot of knowledge and we were challenged to bring projects to life under the pressure of time and the feeling of being judged as actual interns. We met a lot of important people and we laid the acquired the necessary skills that will help us excel on the following years of studies and even of our career path.


Betty Tsakarestou

Dr. Stavros Kaperonis

Our Team:

Zelia Makri

Aphrodite Pouchtou

Athina Manolaki

Christina Tsakona

Αντζέλικα Χαζίζι

Giannis Papalambrou

