Our final project — re: Construction — ONGI HOTEL

After analyzing what would be our ideal customer, we decided to work with the Hotel Ongi as we saw that we could make many improvements in this small business.

Is a small hotel that offers a friendly and familiar service in an incomparable place. It is located in Oñati, in the Basque Country, north of Spain.

At first, and after having analyzed all the information we had at our disposal, we decided to meet with the owners of this small hotel. They accepted from the first moment and informed us of all the data that was not available on their website or on the internet. We talked about the target audience, the history of the hotel… we talked about many things. We also verified that all the information we had was correct or not.

After that first meeting with them, we as a team made several proposals to carry out in the hotel, since the owners were open to any help. When all the proposals were well received we had a second meeting with them to show them how we could help them. They told us if it was possible to take instead of one aspect, to take two. We accepted without any doubt, since this was our first real project, and we were very motivated and eager to work.

They told us that they needed help in two of the areas we had proposed. On the one hand they wanted to increase their presence in the networks. And on the other hand they wanted to make the hotel and bar more environmentally friendly.

In the case of making the hotel and bar more environmentally friendly, we analyzed what the current situation was. The hotel recycles in 5 different garbage cans all its waste, so we knew that the recycling part was fine, and that we couldn’t do more for that part. But when we had the opportunity to go to the hotel physically to see the different things they offered, we saw that everything that was put in the hotel bathrooms for example was made of plastic.

How were the products of the hotel before

After many meetings between us, and after having analyzed different ways to change that, we decided to opt for shampoo and solid soaps. These soaps can be easily disinfected (because we also had to take into account the COVID19 pandemic) and they do not contain any plastic, 0 percent. On the other hand, we also analyzed the case of the toothbrush and the toothpaste. Before, all of these contained a lot of plastic. For this, we opted for bamboo toothbrushes and toothpaste. With this we were able to bring the percentage of plastic in the bathrooms down to 0 percent.

We also had the opportunity to see how our suggestions look in the hotel.

Our suggestion, in the bathroom of the hotel

We also saw that we had to give importance to the color. The logo of the hotel is blue. And all the bathrooms have that blue color. On the contrary, the toothpaste, the brush and all the soaps didn’t contain any blue. So we decided that all the material had to contain some blue, in order to have that link to the hotel’s branding and logo colors.

The logo and the colors of the hotel

This hotel also has a bar, and in this bar all the coffees were served with sugar bags that were made of plastic. We also shuffled around different options for this. Our first proposal was to put a vase with sugar and have everyone pour in the amount they needed. This way, we would not have any residue. But soon after thinking about that proposal, we realized that it was not possible because of COVID19. After thinking about more options, we finally opted for the sugars that came wrapped in paper. Paper can be recycled 100% easier than sugar. So we thought this option was very good. This change has already been made in the bar, and we are very happy about it.

Before and after of the change in the bar

To finish with making the hotel and bar more environmentally friendly, we decided that before showing these proposals to the hotel owners, it was an interesting idea to have a meeting with a environmental group. So, Irati (Head of Analytics) had a personal meeting with the environmental group of the town which is called Oñati Zero Zabor. We showcased to them our sustainability ideas for the Ongi Hotel: replacing all plastic products with bamboo and usage of solid soaps. After having analyzed everything, they gave their official approval of the project.

Meeting with the eco-organisation Oñati Zero Zabor

You can see the second part of the project and everything related to social media here.

Finally, we arranged another meeting and presented our project and all the suggestions to the owners of the hotel.

The last meeting with Belen, the owner of the hotel

The result was very very good. They told us that they are going to make all the changes we had proposed. They were delighted, and told us that they wanted to continue working with us. They also asked us for the logo of our startup to put on the door of the hotel, with all the collaborators they have.

The entrance to the hotel

We couldn’t be happier with the result and the final project, as it was a real project, and it was a great start as a startup.

Angeliki Kyriazi, Anastasiia Shvetc, Irati Barrena Bolinaga and Katerina Tsiakaraki



Irati Barrena Bolinaga

Hi, welcome to my account! I’m Irati and I’m a Erasmus student of Communication, Media and Culture at Panteion University.