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Ada Chen Rekhi
Ada Chen Rekhi
Reflections on startups and building a meaningful life
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Facebook and RockYou on Performance Marketing for Social Media

I attended 80/20 Conference, an interesting performance marketing event earlier this week put on by Jay Weintraub. Lots of interesting content there besides this, but posting my quick notes below on a session called…

Google Stops the Dance Music

The Wall Street Journal reports that Google has discontinued Google Dance, their annual search geek party at Search Engine Strategies. I attended Google Dance back in 2007 and was blown away by the scale of the free food, beer and events that Google organized for the search…

Free Ringtones(*) With a Catch

It was heartening to spot the news today that Google has agreed to force search marketers to disclose the subscription fees associated with a lot of the supposedly “free” ringtone ads out there.