Go to My Work Life Design
My Work Life Design
My Work Life Design is an online space to collaborate and experiment with bold ideas. We’re always looking for ways to turn challenges into opportunities
Note from the editor

Ideas are like soup. Too few ingredients and it’s not soup, it’s…water. Too many and you get a mushy mess of flavours all trying to compete for your taste buds and all of them failing. Just the right number and it’s bliss. Like, kids-asleep-wrapped-up-on-the-couch-alone-pressing-play-on-your-favourite-Netflix-series, kind of bliss. This is not a cookbook. This is a collection of all the ideas I’m absorbing and bubbling into my own blissful soup. I’m tired of filling Evernote notebook after notebook of ideas that stagnate with procrastination. I’m excited about a Big Idea. So this is how I’m going to hold myself accountable for seeing it through. Let’s also put some honest and transparent ideas out there. No hiding behind taglines, logos and acronymns; self promotion and big noting; fence sitting and mutual appreciation parties. There’s more than enough of that crap in the world already. You’ve been on Linkedin, right? Anyway, let’s see what we can make of this; my version of “to thine own self be true,” (finally Shakespeare makes sense).

Go to the profile of Amy Wilkinson
Amy Wilkinson
Strategy Designer