If You Wish to Write a Book

You will succeed.

William Vincent Carleton
Ada’s Place
4 min readMar 23, 2022


Photo by Asal Lotfi on Unsplash

It is Done

I imagine these words being in the comments section below in the months to come. You’ve wrapped your book, and off it goes to publishing, if that is your desire. At the very least, you’ll have proof in hand.

I Say this with Confidence

I’ll guide you. It will not cost you anything other than the time you invest. I post every day, and will respond to all inquiries.

It Helps to Have a Mechanical Typewriter

If you cannot afford one — you can wrap books with a word processor like Scrivener or MS Word.

I suggest a typewriter for the intrinsic benefit one offers.

Get a Decent Printer, and Archive-Quality Paper

So you can feel beautiful physical pages in hand, same day. If you are determined to write a book, stacking pages will motivate you.

Consult the Tarot to Play the Game of Life

Some have an aversion to Tarot. I used to, until I realized all of my fears were self-generated. Did this for decades. The game of life helped me get over myself.

Reach a Conclusion in Every Writing Session

I do not end a session until my ideas are fully expressed. I do this by giving myself a minimum page requirement, which is ten pages, triple-spaced per session. It used to be double-spaced, however this makes the pages difficult to read.

Sometimes I go well beyond 10 pages as the ideas keep flowing. Here’s an example where I wrote 44 pages in one day.

You can shatter this record with practice.

How to Begin

Need a topic? Need a few lines to get you started? Leave a message in the comments, and mention your project. I’ll respond with a Tarot reading to get you started.

If you want more guidance, I’ll give you a daily assignment — a milestone based on where you are currently.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by work and responsibilities, congratulations — so was Stephen King.

Got writer’s block? Need a breakthrough? This is where I shine. Let me know and we’ll work on this together. Here’s my email: william@immortaltype.com

Be Consistent to Wrap a Book

The Tarot offers pathways for your sessions. Tons of choices to work with. Anytime you get lost, the Tarot finds you. It literally translates to “wheel”, meaning what goes around, comes around.

The characters in your books exist to support you. You may find yourself confused, unsure, and adrift at times. That’s the perfect place to be. Write with complete truth and vulnerability in those moments. Write about the feeling. It often ends up being the most memorable part of a book.

It stays fresh — malleable. Inviting you to keep at it. Just go and review yesterday’s last page before starting, and you’ll be well-aligned. Watch how the thoughts come flowing in the more you practice this.

Sometimes you may want to move in a new direction. By all means, go for it. The wackier the better. This is where the best twists happen. You don’t even know what’s coming. You’re just along for the ride.

Don’t worry about when you will return to the last section. It will happen. The characters will call to you.

It’s like a jam session. The goal here is to reach resolution without worrying about mistakes. The song continues until the end. It doesn’t stop in the middle, as that kills the momentum.

Try Writing in First-Person

I write speculative fiction so that I can approach current events, and blend them with science fiction elements. Same goes with narrating from the perspective of a man, woman, child, alien, God, Goddess, even tardigrades have a voice in my novels.

Write in the first person to get in touch with your feelings.

Then take a leap of faith.

Repeat this over and over and you’ll never want to stop writing.

Have Faith in the Process

Faith is self-love.

The more I get out of the way, the better my writing is. I don’t have the answers, most of the time. The page always does. So does the Tarot.

Whether a Page is Nearly Empty, Filled, or Crossed Out and Ugly — it’s Creation.

It’s expression. It’s manifest for you to enjoy it.

Take time to receive for the great efforts you are making.

Read Your Pages in Your Favorite Spot

It is most important to celebrate the fruits of your labor when they get done.

Some would say not to touch them — sometimes that’s the case. Most of the time I want to read what came out that day, as I’ve forgotten most of it due to being in flow state.

I go to my favorite reading place and enjoy the pages. I don’t edit. I just take it in like I would any other book.

Who Cares if it Sells or Not

You know the value of what you write.

I am told I am unintelligent, and my writing isn’t worth anything. That my books will never sell. I was told this yesterday by a writer on Medium. This happens, though it will happen less the more you write.

Your Ideas are Special

Of course they are. Never doubt that for a second.

