Q1 2019 In Review

adbank blog
3 min readApr 9, 2019


It’s been a busy quarter for us, see what we’ve been up to!

The big news:

Obviously the big news is that BLADE went live right on time at the end of Q1, 2019. We take our deadlines very seriously! Check out the article above for a roundup of everything to do with BLADE.

Building BLADE has been an incredible experience for the team and we are so thrilled to have it available in the Chrome Store! The dev team is now working on minor fixes that have come up in the first week of use. Mike is compiling all of the first month data which will be used to secure some big name advertisers. Catherine is rolling out the user acquisition marketing plan which includes influencer promotions and press coverage — stay tuned to see what everyone has to say about BLADE!

Get BLADE in the Chrome Store here. Don’t forget to rate & review!

Media Coverage:

It’s been a busy quarter leading up to the launch of BLADE and this has been reflected in the amount of media coverage, social media activity, and other metrics. In case you missed it, here’s a list of the media coverage we received in Q1 2019.


  • Collingwood 5x5 — CEO Jon Gillham gave a keynote on BLADE
  • BlockGeeks — “How Blockchain Technology is Shaking Up the Advertising Industry”
  • Disruptor Daily — “What Trends Are Shaping Blockchain In Advertising? 9 Experts Share Their Insights”
  • CryptoCandor did a follow up video review of BLADE, you can find her first review of adbank here.
  • Crypto News Weekly Podcast — CEO Jon Gillham was a guest, talking about BLADE
  • Disruptor Daily — “What’s The State Of Blockchain In Advertising? 9 Experts Share Their Insights”


  • VentureBeat.com — “Blockchain marketing tech landscape grows 13x in 18 months”


& more coming in Q2!



Fun Stuff:

Yeah, we ran a meme contest in Telegram and it was amazing! You can check out all the memes in their new home on Instagram.

In case you missed it, we announced the meme contest in the lead up to the launch of BLADE — but we had a secret prize up our sleeve! The winner of the meme contest won early access to BLADE which means they got to get their referral code out there before anyone else — lucky duck! The memes are all housed on the Instagram account so our community members can easily promote their own referral codes around the internet.

Stay tuned for more fun contests in the future — and some equally awesome prizes!

Don’t forget to join the Telegram channel here to chat with the team and get all the news first!

