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Global Voices is an international and multilingual community of bloggers, journalists, translators, academics, and human rights activists. Together, we leverage the power of the internet to build understanding across borders. https://globalvoices.org/
Note from the editor

Global Voices is an international and multilingual community of bloggers, journalists, translators, academics, and human rights activists. Together, we leverage the power of the internet to build understanding across borders. https://globalvoices.org/

Go to the profile of Global Voices
Global Voices
We call attention to the most interesting stories emerging from citizen media around the world. https://globalvoices.org
Go to the profile of Ivan Sigal
Ivan Sigal
Executive Director of @globalvoices, media artist and writer. Author of White Road (http://t.co/543k5VSxVL). https://ivansigal.net/
Go to the profile of Georgia Popplewell
Georgia Popplewell
Managing Director of Global Voices, globalist, Caribbean citizen, lover of books, bicycles, film, photography, jazz, travel, architecture, and justice for all.
Go to the profile of Ivan Sigal
Ivan Sigal
Executive Director of @globalvoices, media artist and writer. Author of White Road (http://t.co/543k5VSxVL). https://ivansigal.net/
Go to the profile of Georgia Popplewell
Georgia Popplewell
Managing Director of Global Voices, globalist, Caribbean citizen, lover of books, bicycles, film, photography, jazz, travel, architecture, and justice for all.