Why Podcasting? Why Now?

Harness the Power of Digital Audio: Part 1

Annie Hunt
AdLarge Podcast Network
2 min readJan 4, 2018


According to an eMarketer study, individuals in the U.S. spend the equivalent of half a day consuming media — yes, 12 hours. With a limited number of hours in the day and a barrage of media options, attentions are stretched as thin as today’s ad budgets. Are you winning the fight for attention and getting the most “bang for your buck”?

Digital audio has the power to cut through the clutter. Tech and mobile devices in particular have made it easier to consume less visual media, like streaming music or listening to a podcast while we’re on the go or doing chores around the house.

Here we’re going to focus on podcasting. This guide will cover:

  1. The podcast landscape today
  2. Understanding the podcast audience
  3. Pod dictionary
  4. Building the campaign of your dreams

No other medium puts brands in the heart of the content, and therefore the heart of engagement like podcasts. Brands benefit from the intimacy of an opt-in, one-on-one environment where ads are not only expected but embraced by listeners, making real connections that lead to tangible results. More than ever, now is the time to take a serious look at what a podcast sponsorship can do for your brand.

From niche to big business, podcasting made huge strides in 2017:

  • Ad spend is expected to hit $534 million in 2020
  • 93% of brands have increased their podcast advertising spend from 2016 to 2017
  • Huge investments are being made in the medium such as the WPP investment in Gimlet and the 60db acquisition by Google
  • Break out shows have led to Hollywood adaptations and spin-offs
  • Increased number of festivals and live events are building even more excitement around the industry
  • Apple releases its new consumption metrics for publishers in beta to meet the growing demand for better data on all sides

Still skeptical about whether podcasting is the right investment for your brand? Not sure how to make the most of this unique environment? We’ll break down where the audience is today, demystify key terms, and outline how to get your first campaign up and running. See, we’re pretty keen on podcasting around here. Not only are we believers in the power of the medium, we happen to be super fans too.

