Build the Podcast Campaign of Your Dreams

Harness the Power of Digital Audio: Part 4

Annie Hunt
AdLarge Podcast Network
3 min readJan 31, 2018


Welcome to the final installment in our guide to buying podcasts. Before you dive in, make sure to check out part one, part two, and part three first.

Podcasts had a moment in 2017 and the stage is set for more growth in 2018. The audience, while typically ad-adverse towards other mediums, are receptive and trust their favorite hosts. Now, it’s time to take action. Consider this your official check-list for getting the most out of this unique environment.

Build the Campaign of Your Dreams

  1. Set your budget
  • Most podcasts ads are sold on a CPM (cost per thousand) basis. Most podcast spots cost between $18 and $25 for every 1,000 listens.
  • One spot in one show will not be enough to introduce your product.
  • Other add-ons can be included to further integrate your messaging such as segment sponsorships or custom features.

2. Set your campaign parameters

  • When is your campaign going to run? Are you running for 4 weeks straight, or running the first week of every month for a year?
  • Targeting W25–54? College grads with children? Define the demos that make up your audience.
  • Does your campaign require further targeting? Through our partner Megaphone, we can target campaigns by geo-location.
  • What’s your goal? Do you want to drive sales or is your campaign just for pure branding?

3. Pick your programming

  • Identify the shows that fit your target audience either by category, personality, or show demographics.
  • Spread your message across multiple shows. Consider a network of like-minded shows to really deliver reach. cabana offers highly-targeted lifestyle environments catering to Millennial men, moms, working professionals, and more.
  • Setting up a test campaign is also a great way to gauge if the hosts you picked will be a good fit for your product.

4. Get your creative in order

  • Find your style. Using humor, or keeping it straight forward will depend on the shows where your ad will be heard.
  • Keep it simple and craft concise copy that focuses on one “big idea.” Don’t forget to include a clear call to action.
  • Make it easy for them to understand the product you’re selling, and why it would work for them. The general rule is to keep it at a 3rd-grade reading level.
  • Let’s face it, no one likes to hear their favorite host read a canned script like a robot. Allow some wiggle room in your copy to let the host’s personality shine through. They know their audience best and how to sell to them.
  • Let the host try your product first. The reads will sound more authentic if they have experienced what you’re selling firsthand.
  • Don’t let your copy get stale! Recording two versions (or several for a longer campaign) that can rotate keeps your messaging fresh.
  • You can submit approved scripts, or send talking points and let the host, producer, or network craft for you.

5. How to measure and track results

  • Offer codes are the most common method for tracking direct sales. A unique code for each show will ensure the results are attributed accurately.
  • To track overall traffic your campaign generates, a custom link/URL can be used instead. These should also be unique to the individual show and lead to a dedicated landing page.

6. Repeat!

  • Don’t stop now! Results won’t happen overnight, so switch up your copy, try a new offer, or bring in new shows or personalities into the fold.

