Moon Cycles with AdLunam, Half Moon 🌓 Q1+Q2

AdLunam Recap: January-June 2022

AdLunam, Inc.
Published in
9 min readJul 1, 2022


Half the year has gone by 🤯 and we’re excited to share with you our progress over the past six months. Join as as we reflect on what Team AdLunam worked on during Q1 and Q2 of 2022 🙌.

A Note from AdLunam Co-founder Nadja Bester:

“After the unprecedented issues brought about by the COVID pandemic in 2020–2021, 2022 has continued to throw new challenges at us, and this time, the crypto market has taken a massive direct hit. It’s painful and we seem to either be crying or bleeding when we look at the markets 😏 but it’s important to remember that such cycles happen every 1–2 years: What goes down WILL go up again! 🙏🌈✨ The key thing for all of us — projects and investors in the space — is that, amidst all these obstacles, we keep building, learning to stay resilient to market movements, and adapting to trying times in order to come out stronger on the other side 💪

At AdLunam, we have stayed true to our motto of changing the future of launchpads through Engage to Earn and Proof of Attention. A bear market is a time to build, not panic🙌 and our talented team has worked tirelessly on developing the industry’s most revolutionary IDO launchpad the market has ever seen. Watch this space!”🚀

In this Issue

Stay tuned 👀👂for this year’s highlights on all things AdLunam:

  1. Fundraising
  2. Development
  3. Projects
  4. Partnerships
  5. Advisors
  6. Team
  7. Community
  8. Press
  9. Twitter Spaces
  10. Airdrops and Contests
  11. TGE

1. Fundraising

2. Development

For investors, bear markets is a time to HODL. For projects, these are times to BUIDL. And that’s just what we did! In keeping with our roadmap, we completed development of our IDO launchpad 🎉but that’s not all! Development of our Seedpad was originally scheduled for Q3 2022, but we brought this forward, and we’re now ready to launch not only the launchpad, but the Seedpad as well 🍾

But wait, this isn’t all! We’ve also built an NFT staking platform (stay tuned for more details!) AND we’ve continued to add a host of new features to the Engage to Earn platform. We can’t wait to show you everything we’ve been working on!

Which begs the question, “When can you see it?” We’re busy with our last series of internal testing before — drum roll, please — we open up the testnet to everyone on our platform waiting list!🎁

Want to get in on the action and start building up your Proof of Attention score earlier than everyone else?

Make sure you’ve signed up for the waiting list! If you haven’t yet, it’ll take two seconds (ok, maybe four ⏰) and you can do that right here👉:

3. Projects

2022 has been a difficult year for most projects, having to postpone their TGEs — sometimes numerous times — until market conditions improve. AdLunam has been working closely with projects across the cryptosphere and has opened the AdLunam Space Camp, our advisory arm, to support projects in strengthening their tokenomics, improving their marketing and community growth strategies, and fine-tuning their fundraising efforts.

The category breakdown of projects we’re working with:

👉30% NFT

👉20% DeFi

👉15% Metaverse

👉10% GameFi

👉0.25% OTT Watch-to-Earn

👉24.75% Others

We’re always on the lookout for promising projects to partner with 🤩 Get in touch with us by filling out our project application form!

4. Partnerships

We’ve signed a host of very exciting partnerships this year! While some partnerships have not been publicly revealed (we know, we’re so excited we can burst, but we’ll try to stay patient!), here are some of AdLunam’s partners we’ve already announced:

🤝 AdLunam x Hypersign, with this partnership users will gain control of their identity with decentralized password authentication.

🤝 AdLunam x DEC Ventures, Investment support for projects, market insights, and community growth.

🤝 AdLunam x Unmarshal, Their Multi-chain DeFi data network integrates with Adlunam offerings unlocking benefits for projects across the industry.

🤝 AdLunam x Bluewheel Capital, The invest arm of Blue Wheel Gulf, a BTC and ETH mining company. Supports project investment and market outreach.

🤝 AdLunam x Viral Ventures, The creators of the popular You Tube Channel Viral Watchlist, will showcase AdLunam’s Engage to Earn and Proof of Attention IDO Launchpad.

🤝 AdLunam x CryptoBuddy, Crypto sales event aggregators and research platform. The perfect place to find AdLunam’s Engage to Earn and Proof of Attention ecosystem.

🤝 AdLunam x FiPi, New strategical partnership, $FiPi is being supported by AdLunamInc.

🤝 AdLunam x BrotherHood Ventures, A Ecosystem Benefiting Both Projects and Investors Alike.

🤝 AdLunam x SafeGram, Together bringing the Future of DeFi through true crypto adoption.

🤝 AdLunam x Orca DAO, Pioneering the future of DVC investment while placing data transparency and engagement at the fore.

🤝 AdLunam x Polygon, Projects launching on AdLunam can leverage the seamless user experience that Polygon’s scaling brings to the table.

🤝 AdLunam x IBC Group International Blockchain Consulting, AdLunam is now a partner Launchpad with the #1 Crypto Marketers & Growth Hackers, Incubating & Accelerating Top Tier Projects.

5. Advisors

This has been an invaluable year for our team, having welcomed two dynamic industry leaders to our advisory board 🥳 Prakash Somasundaram, CEO of ENJINSTARTER, and Aanchal Thakur, CEO of Spherium Finance, both bring decades’ worth of experience in the finance industry and will be an invaluable resource in helping AdLunam achieve success in the crypto industry.

6. Team

Team AdLunam has grown to a total of 15 full-time members spread across five different continents! Between Europe, North America, Asia, South America, and Africa, we’re a fully remote team. When we’re not hanging out on Slack connecting over all things AdLunam, we can be spotted on team video calls pulling weird faces cos we don’t know we’re being screenshotted🤣.

Special shout-out to AdLunam co-founder Nadja Bester, who received the ‘Outstanding Leadership Award’ from Money 2.0, adding to her list of laurels.

7. Community

Local community outreach has become an increased focus for the AdLunam team over the past six months 💕 Let’s review what we got up to 👇:


To support our Turkish community, AdLunam sponsored the Merkerzsiz Launch, an amazing NFT event in Istanbul along with Layer 1 protocol Algorand, where Co-founder Nadja Bester was a keynote speaker.

Photos of Nadja Bester’s speech on Merkerzsiz Lauch Event

To connect with our Indian community, the team participated in the India Game Developer Conference (IGDC) held in Bangalore

AdLunam, CMO Jervis Pereira, Co-founder Jason Fernandes, and Head of Community Sheldon Ivish.
Prakash CEO of EnjinStarter With Sid founder of WazirX
(Left) With EnjinStarter CEO and AdLunam advisor Prakash Somosundram | (Right) With Siddharth Menon, Founder of WazirX, India’s largest crypto exchange.

AdLunam co-founder Jason Fernandes was a speaker at the annual Indian Blockchain Summit

Jason Fernandes Speaker Poster

Where should we go next? Connect with us and we might just head your way!


We were delighted to participate in the Polygon Village Talks, where AdLunam co-founder Nadja Bester introduced the Polygon community to the groundbreaking stuff we’re building at AdLunam.

- AMAs

- YouTube Love

Want to learn more about AdLunam in a local language? These YouTubers got you covered!

8. Press

9. Twitter Spaces

In April, we launched our first Twitter Spaces series, Diving Into Crypto. To date, we have clocked up 12 episodes, and every Thursday, we are joined by an industry leader who share with us their invaluable expertise on all things crypto and Web3. Come join us!

  1. Diving Into Crypto with AdLunam Co-founder Nadja Bester
  2. Round Two of Diving Into Crypto with Nadja Bester, AdLunam Co-founder
  3. Enter the Dataverse with Manohara K, Founder and CEO of Unmarshal
  4. Securing Online Avatars with Vikram Anand Bhushan, Co-founder of Hype of HyperSign
  5. Community Shaping the Web 3 Future with Nate, Co-Founder of OrcaDAO and Red Oak, OrcaDAO Advisor
  6. Crypto Mines: What’s in store to explore? with VikaasH Agarwal, Partner at Bluewheel Capital
  7. Breaking the chain: Cross-chains in Crypto with Aanchal Thakur, CEO of Spherium Finance
  8. Communities across borders with AdLunam co-founder Nadja Bester
  9. DeFI’ing Finance with Ivan Tomic, CEO of Safegram
  10. Navigating Liquidity with The Crimson Chimp, Business Development Manager of Apeswap
  11. Developing DEXs with Vee Fernandes, Head of Business Development at Zeroswap
  12. Web 2 to Web 3 made easy with AdLunam co-founder and CTO Lawrence Hutson

Missed an episode? Not to worry! A podcast is in the works…watch this space to catch up with our exciting speaker line-up!

10. Airdrops and Contests

In January, the AdLunam Airdrop contest saw an overwhelming response of 110,000 participants! We have run since several other campaigns to build and keep our community engaged. From celebrating the Bitcoin Birthday in January to Bitcoin Pizza day in May and our $LUNAM give away in June.

11. TGE

Like every responsible project focused on the sustainable, long-term success of its token, AdLunam has chosen to postpone our TGE until market conditions improve🙏📆🌈.

This decision, while by no means an easy one, has received full support from our institutional investors, and we’re over the moon excited to do our IDO once market conditions improve and the amazing projects we’re working with are ready to get out there and start listing💪.

In the meantime, AdLunam has over 10,000 subscribers on the $LUNAM watchlist on CoinMarketCap!👯‍♂️

We can’t wait to give our amazing community the listing you want — and the successful listing you DESERVE🥰- and we’re working hard behind the scenes to make sure we continue to build THE launchpad that will level up how IDOs are done 🙌 Have you put us on your CoinMarketCap watchlist yet?🤗

Onwards We Go!

AdLunam is making traction by the day and our focus is unwavering as we continue to build the industry’s first Engage to Earn IDO launchpad with a Proof of Attention allocation mechanism and dynamic NFT (dNFT) integration. Thank you to our awesome Community, VCs, and Partners for your continued support — here’s to an amazing future together. WAGMI 🙌

About AdLunam

AdLunam, Inc. is an Engage to Earn NFT-integrated IDO seedpad and launchpad for the Web3 Attention Economy using a Proof of Attention allocation mechanism. The Engage to Earn ecosystem enables crypto investors to monetize their social capital while allowing projects access to the industry’s top-most engaged retail investors throughout a token’s funding life cycle.

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