Adshares new Business Development Roadmap, a rebirth — Part Two

7 min readMay 11, 2021


Since a few weeks ago, we have been engaged on a daily basis in preparing the “rebirth” of Adshares. It doesn’t mean that till now, Adshares has been a sleeping project but that we were only focused on developing what we have announced a few years ago, in a strictly technical point of view.

This is done, Adshares network is more than ready and a lot of publishers and advertisers have joined and use it now regularly.

Being transparent, offering trustful, efficient, and smart technology is a part of our DNA. It seemed evident to us to formally define this new strategy and then share it with our community.

We started this with a first article, The New Business Development Roadmap, a rebirth — Part One.

In this article, we go one step further, in the same perspective of transparency, with the synthetic global presentation of our new roadmap which, we trust, perfectly reflects our ambitions, our objectives and our determination.

The major milestones and evolutions are illustrated below in graphical representation and explained by a summary description.

Note: A detailed roadmap explanation article will be published in the next few days to explore deeply.

Adshares (ADS) Roadmap — 2021
Main 2021 Milestones

Onboarding new team members, defining a new strategy, implementing technical evolutions, improving our processes, a lot have already been made this year. A first great step, but it’s just a beginning!

Let’s dive into our New Business Strategy!

New Tokenomics (re)definition

An ambitious new roadmap could not exclude redefining new tokenomics. But more than just simply restating the allocation of the funds raised and the tokens held, it was a matter of giving a strategic dimension to the use of these resources.

Thus, several dedicated budgets have been considered and implemented: for Partnership and Marketing, for a Staking rewards incentive program, as Strategic Treasury and also for providing Liquidity on exchanges.

Onboarding Process and Helpdesk

In the last few months, the decentralized ad network Adshares recorded a particularly high level of activity. These numbers augur well for further expansion.

Considering this from a user-friendly perspective, we should act to be able to assume the highest level of user requests.

Furthermore, as a part of our new Business Development Roadmap, improving the way we onboard and support our Publishers and our Advertisers is one of our priorities. Implementing a clear and useful knowledge base, offering chat live support (in app and on our website) is a must have in order to be more efficient and reactive. We are pleased to announce that these important milestones are now mostly done. First version of our Helpdesk Portal is live:

Community and Communication

Amplifying the reach of our communication, expanding and further engaging our community is also part of our strategy.

We have decided to explore a new channel of communication, the first one being Blockfolio Signal

Over 500 team leaders actively broadcast on Signal, including leaders from Monero, DASH, NEO, Ethereum Classic, NEM, ZCash, Maker, 0x, Decred, Ontology, Kyber Network and now Adshares!

Being on Blockfolio Signal will help us to establish a direct line to our most engaged users.

What a great way to expand our outreach and keep our community informed.

Exchange Listing

Being listed on Top ten centralized and decentralized exchanges, a project in itself!

The success of decentralized finance is no longer questionable. It is a game changer in several dimensions.

One of them, and not the least, is to offer a solution to be able to be listed on exchanges, to create its own liquidity without intermediary and without long and expensive processes.

Therefore, in order to use our resources, both technical and financial, wisely, our efforts will first focus on decentralized exchanges.

Then, once this major step is achieved, we will focus on getting listed on the major centralized exchanges.

Multi-Chain Strategy, a world of Defi

Adshares will explore multiple blockchains as a part of its cross-chain strategy and. This is a key milestone in its new business development roadmap.

In the first place on the roadmap is Binance Smart Chain to allow users from the BSC ecosystem to easily access without downloading additional apps, creating new wallets, and updating configurations in the ADS wallet. ADS holders will be able to participate in BSC-base projects such as PancakeSwap or BakerySwap.

The second will be Ethereum ERC-20 wrapping to enhance the accessibility of trading on major DEXes.

The two existing versions of the plugin — the first one works with Chrome, Brave and Opera browsers (install via Chrome Web Store), while the other one was designed for Mozilla Firefox (install via Firefox Add-ons).

Plans also include bridges to majors chains to increase the adoption of ADS.

Adshares Roadmap — 2022
Main 2022 Milestones

Beyond Adservers — Adshares Social

We are moving into other market segments — influencer marketing on social media. Thanks to our ability to send massive amounts of micropayments without huge costs. It is always only 1/1000th for a transfer, even below $0.01 and we can also send hundreds of thousands of them every second without hitting scalability limits.

We are shortly introducing an entirely new service, Adshares Social, that will allow advertisers to pay for social media audience.

We will start with Twitter as it is a very active cryptocurrency community.

Advertisers & Publishers Contest

To engage our advertisers to surpass themselves and unleash their creativity, we will run an monthly contest dedicated to advertisers. This will consist in rewarding 3 advertising campaigns: Creativity award (based on vote of our community), Best ROI and Best CTA. In the same way, we will also launch a dedicated contest for publishers. We will reward 3 of them according to the following criteria: Best Monthly views, Best conversion rate and Community Reward (based on vote of our community).

Adshares Ambassador Program

Being decentralized and local, impacting the real world, that’s our main goal!

To bring that ambition into reality, we will rely on a network of country ambassadors. They will be in charge of identifying and federating the local market, acting also as Local Community Manager, contributing to the growth of the adshares network, animating monthly webinar, translating adshares’ official announcements, spreading the adshares ecosystem and managing Press relation (locally)

DApp Promotion Grants Program

In Decentralization we trust! It’s not a few words, it’s a journey!

Getting more involved and supporting the community is one of the new goals. Being inclusive and helping to promote decentralized application projects will not be an empty promise.

Therefore, we will engage startups and organizations that have launched a dApp to apply to our DApp Promotion Grants Program. Each month, we will allocate a dedicated budget.

Media Plan As A Service

In the coming months, we will expand our offer to a higher level, launching a new way to promote on the Adshares network with a new service called “Media Plan as a Service”.

This offering will simplify the media planning and ads buying process. Advertisers will be able to launch their campaign in an autonomous way.

New Ads Media & Format

As a crucial part of our new offer, Media Plan as a Service, we will manage to offer more premium media and new ad formats. Based on the success of this bêta program, we will then onboard a larger number of advertisers and finally to all of them.

Adshares Loyalty Incentive Program

The Adshares Loyalty Incentive Program, for both Advertisers and Publishers, is a simple “time based” loyalty program. The more you stay, the more advantages you get.

Launch of Vertical Ads Servers

More and more mainstream actors, such as well known marketing agencies, offline advertising publishers, have expressed their interest in developing a dedicated server for their vertical market.

More than just an opportunity, this interest is totally in line with our long-term strategy. We are already engaged in discussions to evaluate some potential markets.

Adshares Roadmap — 2023
Main 2023 Milestones




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