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Adventure Arc
Adventure Arc
Keenan’s Adventures, travels, and wordly outtings
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Analysis on the Cost of Eating Out

After last week’s how much does a meal cost post, Dennis suggested I look at eating out by category. This got me thinking, how often do we really eat sushi? So I had to check it out. Time for some more graphs!

$1050 Rent

Here is more evidence that we’re on the right track with our $1050 apartment rent. You may recall my earlier blog post on our apartment rent where I determined we had 700 sq. feet @ 1.5$/sq ft. This is, according to this video, on par with Portland. I’m still not sure what the average would be for Greater…

Maintenance Cost of Cars

Continuing on with last week’s post about on how much does Vancouver cost, I came home this weekend and took a look at the automotive records for our family’s car. We have two cars, a 2003 Mazda Protege bought used in 2007 with 84,000 KM and a 2006 Mazda 5 bought new in 2006.