Write For African Women Rise Publication

Let’s give African feminism the attention it deserves.

African women rise
4 min readAug 15, 2024


African Women Rise (AWR)

Welcome to African Women Rise (AWR)

Many of us can agree, that in terms of feminism, relationship dynamics, and the way of life in other parts of the world, replicating it as is, often does not work in the African continent. Africa is a whole beast and for actions to follow words, the culture of the people must be taken into account.

To this end, AWR seeks to publish thought-provoking pieces on women, how your African culture plays a role in your lifestyle, gender issues, and different identities as Africans — all of it, through the African feminist perspective.

What is African Feminism?: First, feminism is the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. It is represented by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests. Now, when we speak of African feminism, we are talking about theories and movements which specifically address the experiences and needs of continental African women (African women who reside on the African continent).

So, African Feminism is about African women in our African continent and Africans in diaspora.

AWR wants your stories so long as they encourage healthy conversations and are respectful.

This publication encourages submissions from people of all genders. Look at your culture, the news in your country, or your experiences to tell us your story so, we do not want strictly fictional pieces. It has to be personal in a way.

Challenge norms, ideas, customs, traditions, opinions whatever. Get controversial BUT not for controversy’s sake. Let there be a point to your controversial take. And it MUST abide by Medium rules so check any hate before you send it in.

If you would like to be an editor, do let me know.

The Goals of AWR:

  1. To raise African voices
  2. To give African women a platform for their ideas
  3. To create a writing community for discussion and debate.
  4. To provide a platform where African women hear out African men and vice-versa
  5. To showcase to the world, Africa’s (different/differing) perspectives on gender, women’s rights, cultures, customs, traditions, and the way they direct (or don’t) the lifestyle of Africans
  6. To tell our stories
  7. To give African writers their own space

Examples of stories we publish:

Editing process:

When you submit, your piece may be:

  1. Rejected — If your submission does not meet the goal of this publication. Also, if your piece needs major developmental editing, spelling and grammatical errors we cannot overlook, or does not abide by Medium rules, it will be returned to you.
  2. Accepted but may need improvements — You will need to follow the editor’s suggestions or convince them on why not. Please edit within 24–48 hours or we return it to you.
  3. Accepted — It is a go!

Quality is important to us. Please give your better work.

Submission guidelines:

  • Submit your drafts directly to our publication.
  • Be following the publication
  • We don’t accept advertorials
  • Read time of 4–7 minutes.
  • 3–4 lines max sentences.
  • Turnaround time is 1–2 days.
  • Please proofread your draft (use a spell checker) and ensure you’re following Medium rules.
  • Please make sure all the photos are credited, including your own. Include the alt text for your images please and thank you.
  • Please don’t submit stories that have already been published on your page or another pub on Medium. Medium doesn’t allow duplicate content on its platform.
  • Use a headline analyzer to write an effective headline (not an affiliate link).
  • Always include a subtitle and a picture for your article
  • Titles are formatted with a big T format
  • Subheadings should be in lowercase with a big T format (reason: the font shrinks when published).
  • Vary the length of your sentences (long sentence, then short, then long, etc.)
  • Don’t write your sources below your article. Post them as a link on your article.
  • When linking, highlight no more than four words.
  • We allow images from Wikipedia, Wikimedia, Wikicommons, and other creative commons.
  • We only allow embeds (at the moment, Medium doesn’t have embed capacity for Instagram.
  • Here’s an excellent guide on how to format your essay.


  • One of the tags should be “African Women Rise” so it’s easy to find articles published here.
  • The four other Medium tags should be at least one or more of the following so it shows up on our front: African Feminism, Women, Men, Identity, Society, Culture, Tradition and, Diversity. This will allow your story to appear on one of these tabs on our homepage.

Become a Writer For African Women Rise.

  • Please read our submission guidelines thoroughly before you send in your draft link
  • Follow us on Medium.
  • Tell everyone to follow, please.

Thank you. Joseph N. Aburu Chinedu V. Onyema Torshie Torto Ronke Babajide Boateng Sekyere CarolF Alice Cutler Ali Hall Jason Provencio Adrian CDTPPW Rejoice Moses Kim Downey Yana Bostongirl Ellen Anne Chong Fatunla Samuel Steve Uppendahl Natalie S. Ohio



African women rise

Non-quitter. Writer. Speaker. Too tired for bullshit. Say Hi