What Exactly is a Conservative?
Honest Question: What does it mean to be Conservative, if the principles of conservatism are not universally observed?
Early February this year (2022) I wrote an article on how Donald Trump is the worst U.S. president in American history. A lot of discussions ensued in the comments section. One guy named “Brent” showed up in the comments saying that his comment may get dismissed because he’s s conservative. I didn’t dismiss his statement and thanked him for showing up and sharing his thoughts.
I had a bit of empathy for the guy. I mean, come on now. Just because I’m glad Rush Limbaugh is dead, and elated on how Ashli Babbitt got killed, it doesn’t mean I’m made of stone.
Brent’s stay on my article was short, but he placed a seed in my head — what does it mean to be a conservative? What does being a conservative actually mean? What constitutes being a conservative in the first place? Who decides if someone is conservative or not? These are the things I think about, and I want to approach these…