Struggling to Create Meaningful Relationships?

My High School French teacher has it ALL figured it out !

a Few Words
2 min readFeb 7, 2021


Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

Hello and Happy February !

Making new relationships is surely exciting, but how about when we have to deal with our trust issues, managing honesty, and self-confidence? Well, while self confidence might be something that is frequent in other areas, my high school French teacher seems to know something about trust and honesty..

“If you want to hide something from people, say it to them”

1. “Honesty is the best policy “

To what extent is “honesty the best policy” practical for human relationships? So my teacher adds: “The more mysterious one is, the more likely others will be attracted to them”. Indeed, this illustrates one of the most widespread lessons about relationships of all times, and personally one of my favorites: “Don”t tell people what they don’t need to know”. In other words, instead of feeling compelled to share what we do not comfortable or ready yet with others, we could listen to them, or ask more questions. In the context of creating new connections with others, sharing has never been a one sided task, but what do you share? Read 2!

2. Secrets and more secrets !

What does it mean to be an “interesting” person? Is it to be secretive or is to pretend to be? Unlike the former philosophy of attraction and secrets, I believe in the contrary. In this age of information we live in today, it seems like it is no more people with many secrets that attract us the most, (and this is a secret) but the complete opposite! The more one seems like an “open book”, the more we marvel about how they really have nothing to hide ! Magical, right?

3. Sigh. Trust issues ..

Speaking of secrets and honesty, trust is an inevitable issue that often holds most of us back in our social lives. In fact, trusting can be rather daunting for some of us, but what if we give our inner judgement and how how we feel some credits? Of course, I believe that it is a skill that may take years to develop, and even after that, chances are very high that we will still make mistakes and blame ourselves for not knowing better ! However, would we rather spend our lives being controlled by fear? by taking measurable risks, and believing in our inner voice, we not only create more love for ourselves but we also refine our approach to others from a place of doubt to one of confidence and purpose! and while we are at it, we can always top it with a cherry of constructive self talk!

What do you think of what my teacher ‘s small lesson in relationships?

Thank you for reading !

