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Where Will You Be in One Year?

3 tips to shape today’s dreams into tomorrow’s reality.

Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2020


“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”

-Lucius Annaeus Seneca

December 1, 2021 — what does the image conjure in your mind?

Your actions today are already shaping that future.

  • Your thoughts, and your relationship with them (shaped through contemplative practices);
  • Your assumptions about yourself;
  • Your daily habits, conscious or not;
  • Your plans;
  • Your mood, and your outlook;
  • Your health.

Every choice matters. Even your subconscious shapes what’s coming for you.

So many people go through life without introspection — without planning. This is a form of surrender. If you don’t plan, you get what others want for you. Planning puts you in the driver’s seat. Your habits work for you rather than against you.

Self-awareness pays.

Here are three tips to be more self-aware — and to build the future you look forward to…

