Go to AG Grid
AG Grid
We are AG Grid and our mission is to build the best datagrid in the world
Note from the editor

We are AG Grid and our mission is to build the best datagrid in the world

Go to the profile of Niall Crosby
Niall Crosby
I am the CEO of ag-Grid. I have 15 years of experience building Enterprise applications before launching my own product ag-Grid Enterprise.
Go to the profile of James Swinton-Bland
Go to the profile of Sean Landsman
Sean Landsman
Lead Developer — Frameworks. Responsible for integrating all of ag-Grid’s supported frameworks (Angular, Vue, React etc)
Go to the profile of Fahad Ahmad
Fahad Ahmad
Digital Marketing Executive.
Go to the profile of Michael Karén
Michael Karén
Frontend Architect • JavaScript Enthusiast • Educative.io Author • ngVikings organizer.
Go to the profile of Chidume Nnamdi 🔥💻🎵🎮
Chidume Nnamdi 🔥💻🎵🎮
JS | Blockchain dev | Author of “Understanding JavaScript” and “Array Methods in JavaScript” - https://app.gumroad.com/chidumennamdi 📕
Go to the profile of Luuk Gruijs
Luuk Gruijs
Dev lead @ Founda. We are hiring: https://jobs.founda.com/
Go to the profile of Wes
Software Engineer, Writer and Speaker
Go to the profile of Adrian Fâciu
Adrian Fâciu
passionate software developer
Go to the profile of Cláudio Ribeiro
Cláudio Ribeiro
Software developer, writer and traveler from Portugal. Author of the books "An IDE Called Vim" and “Talk Vi(m)”.
Go to the profile of Christian Nwamba
Go to the profile of Andrew Evans
Andrew Evans
Husband, Father, and Engineer. Follow me on andrewevans.dev.
Go to the profile of Juan Camilo Giraldo Chaverra
Juan Camilo Giraldo Chaverra
Software Engineer — camilogiraldo.co
Go to the profile of Matt Vaughn
Matt Vaughn
I love tacos, code, jazz, my husky and maybe 3 people in this world...and of course: Angular. Angularlicious podcast — more info at www.AngularArchitecture.com
Go to the profile of Liron Hazan
Liron Hazan
"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know"