Comparison of my 3 Butterfly Pea Plant in three different containers (Plastic, Terracotta and Grow Bag)

Parth Mayn
Age of Awareness
Published in
5 min readSep 13, 2021
Comparison of my 3 Butterfly pea Plant in three different containers (Plastic, Terracotta and Grow Bag)
Comparison of my 3 Butterfly pea Plant in three different containers (Plastic, Terracotta and Grow Bag)

Hey guys, Parth this side and I hope you all are healthy and blooming. I know I haven’t posted anything for long, and I apologise for that, but in reality, I was waiting for my butterfly pea plants to grow up. In this story I am going to do a brief comparison between three of my Butterfly pea plant or otherwise known as Aparajita, in three different containers. And the containers which I have used to grow Butterfly pea plant are:

1. Plastic Container

Plastic container used to grow my butterfly pea plant
Plastic container used to grow my butterfly pea plant

2. Terracotta Container or a Clay Pot

Terracotta container used to grow my butterfly pea plant
Terracotta container used to grow my butterfly pea plant

3. Grow bag

Grow bag used to grow my butterfly pea plant
Grow bag used to grow my butterfly pea plant

Before moving further, I would like to disclose these containers' size and the soil type I have used in them so that you are able to make an estimate as to how these plants grow in the above-mentioned three different types of containers.

Without further wasting time, let’s get started.

I’ll begin with the Butterfly Pea Plant grown in the Plastic Container first.

Here, I have used 12 inches of the plastic container, which is considered a good-sized container to grow any type of plant. Since last year, I wanted to have a whitish purple variety of Butterfly pea plant so I got one for myself this year in 2021.

Talking about the soil type- here I have completely used compost to grow my plant. In fact, I have tried using complete compost formula in my Garlic vine too and luckily the results were outstanding. My garlic vine has exceeded all my expectations after being grown in a full compost container. In case, you haven’t seen my Garlic Vine story, here’s the link to this. Likewise, my Butterfly pea is performing really well in the compost matter.

Now let’s talk about the Terracotta Container or a Clay Pot

Here I have used 10 inches of a terracotta container and the butterfly pea is growing really well in it too. But what I have observed in the terracotta container is that the water requirement was slightly high in comparison to the plant in the plastic container. I water the terracotta container almost daily, whereas, in a plastic container, I water the plant once in 2 days. Moving on to the soil mixture- I have used a very basic soil mixture here which contains- 70% garden soil, 20% sand, and rest 10% compost.

Coming on to the Butterfly Pea Plant in the Grow bag

Grow bag used to grow my butterfly pea plant

Now, this plastic bag has the least area that I have used for my Butterfly pea plant. I have used, maybe 8 inches of Grow bag and the soil mixture was the same as I have used in my Terracotta container. But the major drawback that I have observed of growing the plant in the small grow bag is that the size of the flower of the Butterfly pea plant is much smaller in size. Apart from this, I haven’t seen any major growth variation when compared to the other 2 Butterfly pea plants.

Before ending up this story, I’d like to share my experience of growing these vines, which I feel might be helpful for you.

Butterfly Pea Flowers in the palm of my hand
Butterfly Pea Flowers in the palm of my hand

1. I bought all of these three plants in the month of March and this time of the year is the most suitable time to grow most of the summer plants.

2. In the initial days, I thought that this is a very fast-growing flowering vine. No doubt it is, however, in the peak summer months, which are June and July, it barely grows. So, during these months, it is advisable to keep your plant under the green net and provide some shade from the afternoon heat so that it continues its growth at that hard time too.

3. Giving it support is extremely crucial otherwise it will just not perform well.

4. Once its roots are well established in the pot, it is the thirstiest plant that I have ever grown. So, give it some good amount of water when it has well established, and it will happily thank you in the form of healthy buds and beautiful flowers.

5. Most importantly, I haven’t offered any special fertilizers to my Butterfly pea plants but yes, every 2 months I have offered them with Seaweed solution and it seems to be very happy with that.

I guess, I have covered up all the points that explain well under what circumstances you can expect your butterfly pea plant to grow wonderfully.

Butterfly Pea Flowers in the palm of my hand

That’s all for this story.

And yes, since I am not Mr. Expert, please feel free to share the facts about this awesome plant, if I have missed out any.

See you all in the next story. Until then, stay happy, healthy and blooming.



Parth Mayn
Age of Awareness

Terrace Gardener🌱 Blogger✍🏻 Deeply obliged to mother Earth, a plant influencer and a nature lover.