Get Ahead of the Curve: How Bing Chatbot is Disrupting Academic Research with 9 Proven Use Cases

Najeeb's Torch
Age of Awareness
Published in
5 min readMay 14, 2023
Photo by Windows on Unsplash

As the world becomes more complex and interconnected, the demand for technology that can assist us in our daily lives increases. In the academic world, students, researchers, and educators are always seeking ways to improve their research, writing, and critical thinking skills. One tool that can assist in this endeavor is the Bing Chatbot.

Bing Chatbot is a conversational agent that can communicate in various languages and perform various tasks, such as searching the web, summarizing information, generating ideas, finding academic sources, organizing information, generating citations, checking facts, exploring related topics, and generating content. In this article, I will delve into these nine use cases and provide some prompts that you can try. If you’re unfamiliar with Bing chatbot, you can learn more about it by visiting this link: 5 Simple Steps to Getting Started with Bing Chatbot. Additionally, if you’re interested in improving your literature review process through paper summarization, this article is a great place to start: Bing Chatbot: The Ultimate Tool for Accelerating Your Literature Review Process!

  1. Summarizing Information:

Bing Chatbot can help you quickly grasp the main points of a long text, such as an article, a book, or a report. To use this feature, simply ask Bing Chatbot to summarize a text by providing a URL or a snippet of text and specify the length of the summary you want. For example, you can try:

Example prompt: “Can you summarize this article on nuclear fusion reactors achieving a temperature of 100 million degrees Celsius for 30 seconds in 100 words (

2. Generating Ideas:

Bing Chatbot can help you brainstorm ideas for your research topic, thesis statement, or research question. To use this feature, ask Bing Chatbot to generate some ideas by providing a general topic or a specific question and optionally some keywords or criteria. For example, you can try:

Example prompt: “Can you generate some research questions on the influence of social media on political opinions using these keywords: polarization, misinformation, engagement?”

3. Finding Academic Sources:

Bing Chatbot can help you find relevant and reliable sources for your research, such as books, journals, articles, reports, or datasets. To use this feature, ask Bing Chatbot to find some sources by providing a topic or a query and optionally some filters or preferences. For example, you can try:

Example prompt: “Can you find some peer-reviewed sources on artificial intelligence that were published in the last five years?”

Example prompt: “Can you find some open-access sources on COVID-19 that have data available?”

4. Keeping up-to-date:

Bing Chatbot can help you stay informed about the latest developments and trends in your field of interest. To use this feature, ask Bing Chatbot to show you some news or updates by providing a topic or a domain and optionally some keywords or preferences. For example, you can try:

Example prompt: “Can you show me some news on quantum computing?”

Example prompt: “Can you show me some updates on education policy in Europe?

5. Organizing Information:

Bing Chatbot can help you organize your information in a structured and logical way. To use this feature, ask Bing Chatbot to create an outline, a table of contents, a mind map, or a diagram by providing some information or instructions. For example, you can try:

Example prompt: “Can you create an outline for an essay on the pros and cons of nuclear energy?”

Example prompt: “Can you create a table of contents for a book on the history of philosophy?”

6. Generating Citations:

Bing Chatbot can help you cite your sources correctly and consistently according to your preferred citation style. To use this feature, ask Bing Chatbot to generate a citation by providing some information about the source, such as the author, title, year, publisher, URL, etc. For example, you can try:

Example prompt: “Can you generate a citation for this article in APA style: ‘Fareed Zakaria on the Importance of Reading’?”

7. Fact-Checking:

Bing Chatbot can help users verify the accuracy and credibility of information found online by checking facts and searching the web for reliable sources that support or refute it.

Example prompt: “Is it true that nuclear fusion reactors can run hotter than the sun?”

8. Exploring Related Topics:

Bing Chatbot can help users broaden their perspective and discover new angles for their research topic by suggesting related topics or generating a list of relevant keywords or phrases.

Example prompt: “What are some related topics to nuclear fusion?”

9. Generating Content:

Bing Chatbot can help users write, edit, and optimize their papers by generating content based on user-provided keywords or outline, and by summarizing, rewriting, or improving existing content.

Example prompt: “Can you generate a paragraph about the benefits and drawbacks of nuclear fusion from peer-reviewed papers?”


Bing Chatbot is more than just a search engine. It is a smart and friendly companion that can assist in academic research in a creative and efficient way. By utilizing Bing Chatbot, users can streamline the research process and focus on producing high-quality work.

While Bing Chatbot is an innovative tool that can significantly streamline academic research, it is important to note that it is not a replacement for critical thinking and fact-checking. Researchers should always independently corroborate the information generated by Bing Chatbot and remain open to the extent of its use when publishing their work. Bing Chatbot should be viewed as a helpful tool that complements traditional research methods, not a replacement for them. Ultimately, the quality and accuracy of research depend on the rigor and diligence of the researcher, and Bing Chatbot can be a valuable tool in this process.

Now, I encourage readers to take action by adding their own ideas and examples of how they have utilized Bing Chatbot for their academic research needs. Together, we can continue to explore and expand the capabilities of this innovative technology.



Najeeb's Torch
Age of Awareness

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