Humans Reflect Nature’s Beauty

A poem about acceptance

Aimée Brown Gramblin
Aimee’s Writing Shenanigans
2 min readSep 8, 2020


Humans Reflect Nature’s Beauty: A poem about acceptance by Aimée Gramblin in Age of Empathy on Medium.
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

See those mountains?
Aren’t they beautiful?
Look at their asymmetry —

I’m asymmetrical, too
and beautiful.
Sagging, grey, hag, and witch.

Heart heavy and flight
shadow and light
flowing river
ocean stars dusted
through stormy weather.

Over this water
pass shooting stars
reflections of time elapsed.

Over these waves
pass moonlight,
still days, dark nights,
storms, and soft raindrops
pattering the surface.

Water accepts reflections
moonlight, starlight,
rainstorms, autumn breezes
frozen iciness of winter
cracked glossy surfaces
dazzling in hardened beauty
shining in broken pieces.

This poem may seem to be
about mountains and water
nature and her brimming beauty

but it’s about the nature of me,
of humanity: part joy, part frustration
part sorrow, part laughter
in parts and pieces and wholeness.

Overabundant emotion vessels
teardrops to fill lifetimes.
Spirals repeating again and again.
Love and lust and loss and aging —

this poem is about acceptance,
the kind of acceptance we find
when we turn inward, reflect on

the craigs and divides
of nature’s beauty which we find
within ourselves —

in awe, in thanks
in shadow and light, in acceptance
and gratitude for our earth flight.

This is my first time participating in The Never-Ending poem challenge. Thank you to Lucy (the egg girl) for inviting me to join in — this is the first one I felt called to participate in. Read her prompt poem here: What is Simplicity.

My prompt for you: Blue. Feel free to write freely and have fun. All are welcome to take this challenge, but I especially tag Melissa Bee, Galit Birk, PhD, Connie Song, Jay Sizemore, Tre L. Loadholt, Carolyn Riker, Sara Paris, aleXander hirka, and Dennett.

This challenge is to keep The Never-Ending Poem going as long as possible. Wanna join? Write a poetic response, tag ten wondrous poets or simply invite all, add a new prompt, link this poem then publish. Done!



Aimée Brown Gramblin
Aimee’s Writing Shenanigans

Age of Empathy founder. Creativity Fiend. Writer, Editor, Poet: life is art. Nature, Mental Health, Psychology, Art. Audio: