I Went on My Third First Date in Over Six Years

(The first was too hot. The second, too cold. Would my third first date be just right?)

Dana DuBois
Age of Empathy


Bowl of fancy porridge
Goldilocks seeks her just-right bowl of porridge . Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash

Pursuing my perfect bowl of porridge

When I decided to start dating again — in my 50s and after a nearly seven-year gap — I made a promise to myself: I would only date men who excited me. I know all too well the time and energy suck dating can be. Unless he seemed amazing, I’d pass.

One unintended outcome of this resolution? I became the pursuer, instead of the pursued.

It’s been… uncomfortable.

But I’m kind of good at it. I’ve now asked out — and gone on — three first dates in the past month, with results that made me feel like a romantic Goldilocks:

The first first date was too hot.

The second first date was too cold.

Would my third first date be just right? I hoped so. It had been a lot of time — and pursuit— in coming.

I’d had a crush on this guy for months.

Last year my bestie and I attended an arts gala and at our table sat this beautiful man. He was tall, slender, sable-skinned with long braids, immaculately dressed and accessorized —…



Dana DuBois
Age of Empathy

Publisher for Pink Hair & Pronouns and Three Imaginary Girls. Boost nominator. I'm a GenX word nerd living in the PNW with a whole lot of little words to share.