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AgentWorkshop: Getting Started with ReasonML & ReasonReact

Patrick Stapfer, a leading person in the reason community will offer a workshop a day before the AgentConf starts. The intense introduction to Reason begins on the 24th of January at 08:30 in Digitale Initiativen’s Mutterschiff…

Next.js: The new way to build websites

The first time I have heard about Next.js was the talk from Guillermo Rauch at ReactiveConf 2016 in Bratislava. I liked the idea from the very beginning of his talk. You can basically build a React app being a server rendered website with client side transitions…

Students: Take this Challenge or the dogs might bite you!

Agent Conf will turn Dornbirn Upside Down in January. 
Meet Product Engineers and Developers from Facebook, SoundCloud and others and get their unique perspective on a ever faster changing world.

More strict ESLint for better code quality

I set up ESLint for react and node.js development at arkulpa. This config improved our code style quality and reduced simple stupid errors. First there was some work to update the existing code but now we really enjoy the output. It is my first post on…