Using Psychological Safety to improve your Sprint Retrospectives

Luke Pivac
Agile | Adapt
Published in
5 min readOct 9, 2022


How safety checks can encourage better outcomes for your Sprint retrospectives

This article explores how psychological safety is a must to successfully conduct great Sprint retrospectives. If not followed, it could be a barrier to achieving successful outcomes for you and your team.

What a successful Sprint retrospective looks like

A successful Sprint retrospective should be an opportunity for the Scrum team to reflect on what went well, what could be improved, and then as a team to proactively capture improvements to be actioned into the next Sprint. To help strive towards excellence, you must first have psychological safety.

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

To help with this, let’s look at the best way to capture continuous improvements — by using a continuous improvement approach called PDCA, often known as the Deming Cycle.

A look a PDCA

The Plan Do Check and Act cycle (PDCA) is a simple process that is used to manage continuous improvement processes, where change is the only constant. This process is an effective tool for your team to adopt and can be applied in your work. It is highly effective when capturing team improvements, and…



Luke Pivac
Agile | Adapt

An experienced delivery leader - helping teams succeed by using an adaptive-mindset. Thought-leader and published author. PSM-1, MSP5, ICP-ATF, ICP-APM, ICP-DAS