Medium’s new “Collections” explained: Become a Writer in the Agile Project Management collection

The Agile Project Management collection is currently accepting new writers. This is in response to the recent changes on

Agile Project Management


There have been changes to the process of submitting stories to collections here on and it is no longer possible to stories to our collection, unless you become a “writer”:

Only users that have been added as writers to a collection may submit their drafts or stories to that collection. The editors will then review the piece and, if it is still in draft form, will publish the story in the collection. If it is a story already published on Medium but not in a collection, they can accept it as it is or work with the author on edits.

Each story can be published to a single collection only. However, you can be a writer for multiple collections.

So if you’re interested to submit stories to the Agile Project Management collection, please comment here or reach out to us, and we will add you to the list of approved writers.



Agile Project Management

Agile Tech Company in Pasadena, CA. Passionate about Scrum, Lean Startup & Product Development. @ScientiaTechLA