Agile Actors Digest: The Biggest Tech News in September

Agile Actors


So long September! While you’ve been fighting post-summer blues or trying to reorganize your life for the upcoming season things happened in tech that are worth mentioning.

From smart canes that help people who are visually impaired to navigate the world to the new controversy between Android and iOS fans as to who did it first (and better!) and from the emerging twist on antitrust to the latest innovative report on Project Management, find below the hottest news in the Industry the past month:

Blind man helps develop smart cane that uses Google Maps and sensors to navigate the world

Android phones already have all the new iPhone 11 features

The Air Force Will Let Hackers Try to Hijack an Orbiting Satellite

The Week in Tech: An Emerging Twist on Antitrust

This week in tech history: Android turns 11

Latest Innovative Report on Project Management Market 2019 and is recurring impressive growth in…

