Happy New Year – Start 2021 off with the best tools for agile teams

Nis Frome
Agile Insider
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2 min readJan 4, 2021

2020 was filled with challenges and struggle. One of the few bright spots was the emergence of stellar tools for collaboration, data analysis, and remote work. Let’s begin 2021 by recognizing some of the best capabilities to have in your agile toolkit:

The 5 best product analytics tools in 2021

Product and data teams eventually reach a crossroads: continue trying to make Google Analytics work, build your own dashboard, or invest in one of the many product analytics platforms out there.

The 5 best user session playbook tools for usability testing in 2021

Great product and design teams have to balance the need to continuously innovate by adding new features with the need to optimize existing features. Every new feature dilutes existing features and adds complexity to your product. Building new features when you have a simple product with just 10 early adopter customers is drastically different than when you have an already robust product with 500 corporate customers that want stability.

The 7 best rapid consumer feedback and research tools in 2021

The world is changing faster than ever before and it’s increasingly difficult for companies to keep up with market trends and consumer preferences. Historically, research teams led by experts (often with PhDs!) were responsible for generating and disseminating insights throughout the organization. Unsurprisingly, the software tools that emerged around them were highly sophisticated. Today, innovators, product teams, and even research teams need speed and ease of use without sacrificing data quality.

Hope these reviews are helpful! Remember to submit your article about agile to our Medium publication and have it featured to our 20,000+ subscribers.

