The Agile Developer’s Survival Guide for 2020

Agile done right is tough, but you can help make things a little bit easier if you follow this advice.

Fernando Doglio
Agile Insider


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I like to say that Agile is like teen sex, everyone says they’re doing it, but no one really knows exactly what it is.

Actually, some people do, which is why they’re so expensive (who would’ve thought!).

On a more serious note though, our industry (that is, the Software Development industry) is generally going the agile route, which means development teams normally adopt a methodology such as SCRUM where they work on small increments of time towards trying to deliver tiny but concise improvements into a particular project.

Some teams do this by following a certified person’s recommendations and others just take what they think will work from the book and hope that helps. In my opinion, either way, is good, as long as you don’t blindly follow a set of rules without really understanding their purpose, it’s still much better than other alternatives such as waterfall (which by the way, it still has a place in some industries).

As part of this methodology, there are some ceremonies (i.e meetings, that especially now, tend to be virtual ones) to follow, tooling to use and in general, you’re not working…



Fernando Doglio
Agile Insider

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