Martin Smallridge
Published in
Feb 19, 2024
Joseph N Hall 20:37, 31 August 2006 CC BY 2.5

We ventured back,
my loyal hound and I,
from the edge of shadows black,
where, like a serpent sly,
the light did twist and ply,
of the fallen, its radiant stack.

In our daily haste,
we tread upon its beams,
like on an autumn cast,
shed from lids in dreams,
of friends, lost it seems,
a sibling to us, erased.

Not dog, nor human kin,
but a shaman from on high,
softly whispers in the din,
“Oh, thou one gone awry,
a part of you, oh my,
is missing deep within.

You know this beam,
for you can feel it pass,
through you, a radiant stream,
casting like stained glass,
its spindle, by God’s grace,
you know, a luminous dream.



Martin Smallridge
Editor for

Marcin Malek, also known as Martin Smallridge, Poet, writer, playwright, and publicist. Editor-in-chief of www.TIFAM.news and Agora24 on Medium.com. and