All in one gulp

Martin Smallridge
Published in
1 min readJun 1, 2022

Freedom is said to reside where no man dwells,
it’s dull, lame, sore and ugly -
to a point of excess.

Hegel thought of it as a whore to be cornered
utilizing a persistent discipline and the brokerage of a cunning intellect.

Nietzsche was ready to perish the whole earth just for a short peep into her dim pupils, the Nobel Prize laureate Miłosz read it as if it were an ancient formula to cure all sorrows of casual drunks… For as he said: there are various definitions of this force whereas one of them claims that freedom is the ability to drink unlimited amounts of booze!

Undoubtedly, the poet would be agreed by another outstanding writer — Yerofeyev, who like me, barely 20 years ago worshipped vodka for its Promethean ability to lift thoughts from the dregs of despair…

Freedom is an acid-resistant tattoo,
it pinches and shakes the pyramids of slaves wearing spoon shoes,
and yells at night, that she has little to drink, little to sin, little to live!!!

Always too little as she demands it all in one gulp.
I am here! I’m here! Yours very truly — an eternal hump!



Martin Smallridge
Editor for

Marcin Malek, also known as Martin Smallridge, Poet, writer, playwright, and publicist. Editor-in-chief of and Agora24 on and