About Aha! Science

Aha! celebrates science by revealing amazing discoveries and images from our world and beyond and exploring life’s most intriguing, strange and unexpected questions.

Robert Roy Britt
Aha! Science


Updated May 24, 2024

Science is fun. It’s cool. It’s amazing! But science writing can get mired in tangents and details and jargon and … TMI. Let’s fix that. Aha! Science is a new science publication (launched Jan. 1, 2024) on Medium celebrating scientific discovery and asking and answering the most intriguing, strange and unexpected questions about humans, animals, planet Earth and beyond— whether they’re the most pressing or not.

The highly curated and professionally edited stories are packed with easily digestible, science-based Aha! moments, to get you gushing “Wow! I never knew!”

Our stories are winnowed down to just the right length so you can finish one between subway stops, with a single cup of coffee, or on the commode (though with the occasional deep dive to explore the scientific depths of selected topics).

We cover everything from incredible new astronomy photos and skywatching opportunities to the most fascinating creatures, human oddities and strange natural features here on our home planet, explaining how things work down here, out there, and beyond.Be warned: If you dive into the Aha! archives, expect to be lost for a good long time.

Aha! Science is a No-AI publication. Our stories are written by humans with real expertise and lived experience.

Aha! Science is a NO-AI publication. (Learn about this public domain logo.)

Our writers are scientists, doctors, psychologists and other topical experts, as well as seasoned science and health journalists, all having a great time balancing the gravity of a given discovery or intriguing question with some serious brevity and levity to bring you insightful, entertaining takes on myths and mysteries and strange phenomena and utterly mundane stuff you’ve always wondered about or perhaps never even thought to wonder about.

As founder and editor, I bring several decades of experience in science and health writing. I left newspapers in 1998 to launch one of the internet’s earliest mainstream science publications, which was later sold and absorbed into Space.com, where I became a writer and eventually editor-in-chief. I was also the founding editor and later editor-in-chief of Live Science, and as a media executive I led the launch of several other science and technology publications.

Now I’m rolling up everything I’ve learned, along with my sleeves, to make Aha! a publication I’d enjoy reading every day.

For the record, Aha! is a bit of a spinoff of Wise & Well, a health and wellness publication I launched on Medium in May of 2023. While Wise & Well dives deeply into serious and important topics and personal tales about the human condition, Aha! offers rigorous but lighter and brighter takes on irresistible matters ranging from human nature to the nature of the universe, from amazing animals and physics on Earth to delightful, odd and sometimes dangerous objects and processes in the sky and beyond.

The motivation for the publication is simple: In these heavy times, with so much doom and gloom in our feeds amid a culture marked by disagreement and anxiety, along with increased skepticism about science, from the core of my being I’m ecstatic for the chance to promote wide-eyed, curiosity-driven, have-a-ball science writing. I hope you find it as compelling to read as we all do to research and write. Please let us know what you think!


PS: Aha! Is seeking a small number of highly talented new writers who have expertise and experience in science writing. If that’s you, please see our call for writers to learn more about applying.



Robert Roy Britt
Aha! Science

Editor of Aha! and Wise & Well on Medium + the Writer's Guide at writersguide.substack.com. Author of Make Sleep Your Superpower: amazon.com/dp/B0BJBYFQCB