How to Get Your First 100 Followers on Medium

Step by step things to follow…

Manish Dangi
Life Matters
4 min readJan 5, 2024


I have gained almost 1K followers in the last 2 months..


When I first joined Medium, I was excited to start sharing my writing on a bigger platform.

However, as a brand-new user with zero followers, I struggled to gain any traction.

My articles felt like they were screaming into the void, without anyone listening.

I knew getting those initial followers and readers would be crucial for building momentum.

But how to actually make that happen?

Optimize Your Profile

I started by ensuring my profile properly introduced me as a writer worth following.

First, I chose an author's name and photo that reflected my personality and values. make sure to add a photo that is clear and visible.

Because your followers will know you with this image. (everyone has an image of a person in their mind)

After some careful wordsmithing, I crafted a bio that communicated my unique perspective and expertise around specific topics.

This bio real estate was precious — I wanted anyone visiting my profile to immediately grasp why they should hit the “follow” button.

Write a Post/story

An important part of gaining those initial followers is creating a post that really provides value to your followers.

When writing my articles, I focused on the following:

Choose topics readers care about — Research trending themes and questions in your niche to understand reader interests and needs. Writing posts that directly help them will resonate more.

Share personal experiences — By opening up about your own stories and perspectives, you help readers connect with you on a more human level. This vulnerability and authenticity helps build loyal followers.

for example: read this story. I write this story based on my experiment.

Snapshot of Author’s story

Include actionable takeaways — Don’t just share ideas, but provide clear advice and strategies readers can implement themselves. This practical utility makes me a more useful source worth following.

for example: this key message on last of the story will provide the best experience to a reader.

Snapshot of Author Story

Optimize formatting — Break up walls of texts with section headers, lists, images, quotes, and other elements that improve scalability. This overhaul beyond just words helps articles appeal to modern readers.

Edit ruthlessly — Refine posts during the editing process to ensure they effectively get their core message across. Eliminate weak or unnecessary passages so key points shine through.

Consistent, Search-Friendly Content

Don't forget that Medium loves consistency..

Next, I focused on publishing content consistently, at least 10 times per week.

This content followed themes aligned with my niche so I could establish myself as a domain expert.

Additionally, I crafted compelling headlines optimized for search to help drive organic traffic.

Here is the post I have also written about how I created highly engaging titles:

Images and multimedia elements made my articles more eye-catching and scannable for the modern reader.

Comment Thoughtfully on Other Posts

While publishing my own material, I also took time to thoughtfully comment on posts by other Medium writers.

I offered praise and constructive criticism when appropriate.

Asking follow-up questions also helped spur engaging back-and-forth conversations.

Through this thoughtful engagement, I began connecting with my niche community more authentically.

Cross-Promotion With Fellow Creators

I developed partnerships with a handful of other creators through Medium’s messaging system.

We agreed to share and recommend each other’s posts, allowing us to tap into each other’s audiences.

While I helped amplify their work, they did the same for me in return. This cross-promotion introduced my writing to fresh eyes.

Stay Patient But Persistent

Sticking with these strategies was so important. My audience did not instantly appear.

Instead, it grew slowly each week.

The more I wrote and the more I interacted thoughtfully, the more visibility I earned. Within two months, I had grown my followers past 100 organically!

At first, it can seem impossible. But if you commit to these best practices, any writer can start building their presence.

Just be patient, stay focused on your niche, make good content, interact genuinely, team up with others, and your followers will come.

What tips helped you get your first 100 fans? I’d love to hear!

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