📱 I Decreased My Screen Time by 1.5 Hours

Life Matters
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2024

❓Yes, Good Job, But Why?

I was spending nearly 3 hours per day on my phone. I was scrolling on YouTube, looking at posts from Instagram and read the ever-growing wars on Twitter (not X). And you know what? I was tired. Tired of the constant negativity, tired of how lonely I felt and just plain tired.

Now that’s not to say social media/my phone is a bad thing. It primarily how I get informed of many things, how I gain knowledge and yes, there are many wholesome communities out there. But there was some thing to be done about my 3+ hours spend on my phone. So in January of 2024, I decided to, well, quite simply, do something about it.

🧲 What Did I Do Then?

One of the first things I did was delete some of my social media, but not all. YouTube remained as did Snapchat and Discord (which is how I talk to my friends). Instagram, Threads and Twitter were cut off. Now all I had left to watch was YouTube, so I did precisely that.

So I downloaded perhaps one of the best screen time blocking app out there: Unpluq. It tracks how much you spent on each app, how much time you spent overall, and then the best thing: every time you try to edit your time block or access the app you have blocked it gives you a 7-piece puzzle to complete. It very easy to finish, but within those 60 seconds, you feel as if this isn’t really worth it. Now, I only spend my digital life on YouTube from 20:00 to 21:00. One hour. That’s it.

3️⃣ Few Strategies for You

  1. Download a app blocker, and I recommend Unpluq. Your phone’s native blocking function is great, but it’s almost too easy to go back and change it.
  2. Block notifications, which is easy. Go to settings, then notifications and then choose which apps to get messages from. I use a Before Launcher on my Android that filters my notification.
  3. Enable a time for your digital life to thrive. If you spend, or well, don’t spend time on social media at all, you will crash. It’s best if you allot a hour to let it thrive.

🚀 Well, What Now?

I still have Instagram/Twitter (never X)/Threads on my laptop. But I only access it maybe once a week. And you know what? I’m totally fine with that. I have more time now, my sleep is better and the stress has definitely decreased. I am gonna keep it like it is right now. Only YouTube, that too for a hour.

➡️ Next Up: 😀I Tracked My Mood For 32 Days

🕛 Quote of the Week

“Who you are is defined by what you’re willing to struggle for.”Mark Manson, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck



Life Matters

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