AidStream — Quarterly Newsletter

Published in
4 min readOct 19, 2023

Find out insights on the publishing stats to IATI and know more about what new features are coming up dedicated to improvement in data quality and easy import of results.

What’s New?

New and Improved Result Import: Enhancing the result import feature for XLS import with new and easier templates, bulk result import functionality and so on.

Importing results for multiple activities (at one go) has always been a requirement from AidStream users. Finally, the new updates are ready for deployment. In a couple of weeks, we will have a revamped functionality for result XLS import.


We’ll be holding few demonstration webinar sessions for the new and updated Result import feature. The new update has an improved flow for uploading your result files (XLS) and publishing on IATI.

Join us to see the additions that have been made, how to use them, and put forth your queries.

Contact for more info about the webinar or queries regarding result import.

Quarterly Stats (Jul — Sep)

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition published a total of 565 activities this quarter via AidStream. This was the highest published activities by an organisation in this quarter. Global Green Growth Institute was the second organisation with highest activities published via AidStream with 393 activities. Likewise, International IDEA published 165 activities and TradeMark East Africa published 118 activities.

TradeMark East Africa reported 61 activities with Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) as the main donor. Global Integrity published 18 activities whereas Coffey International Development published 13 activities with FCDO as their main donor. International Alert and Norwegian Refugee Council were also among the highest publishers on AidStream with FCDO as their main donor. They published 8 activities each within this quarter on IATI via AidStream.

TradeMark East Africa reported 30 activities with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NL MFA) as the main donor. IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative, Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, MAG and Danish Refugee Council had 16, 11, 10 and 10 activities respectively published with the main donor as NL MFA.

The most reported recipient country via AidStream for the quarter is Ethiopia (mentioned in 181 activities). Kenya was the second most recorded recipient country (mentioned in 178 activities). Uganda as a recipient country was mentioned in 147 activities, Nigeria in 105 activities, Bangladesh in 102 activities and India in 99 activities.

All sectors mentioned above are from the OECD DAC 5-digit list provided by the IATI Standard. The most reported sector by publishers was Environmental policy and administrative management (sector code- 41010) with mentions in 318 activities. The second most reported sector is Democratic participation and civil society (15150) with mentions in 239 activities. Material relief assistance and services (72010) had mentions in 124 activities. Likewise, Civilian peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution had mentions in 72 activities.

For this quarter (Jul — Sep), 9.3% of organisations reporting via AidStream were funded by FCDO, 7.6% by NL MFA and 83.1% by other donor organisations.

