How do we work at AIESEC?

Aiki Laaneots
AIESEC in Estonia
Published in
4 min readSep 24, 2019
Two former generations of AIESEC in Tartu presidents rolling towards the future

As our previous post gave you insight into what is AIESEC, then now we are going to continue on by telling how and what we actually do in AIESEC and what have we achieved this year already.

How do we work?

The way we work at AIESEC is that we have multiple functions that all develop different skills, which means that there are possibilities to get new experiences for people with different backgrounds and interests. Currently, we have 4 different functions in AIESEC in Tallinn, which are Incoming Global Volunteer, Outgoing Exchange, Talent Management and Finance and Legalities. At AIESEC in Tartu we have 7 functions, so additionally to those in Tallinn, we have Incoming Global Entrepreneur and Talent, Marketing and also IT.

What exactly are the functions?

In the Incoming Global Volunteer function, the members create volunteering projects in Estonia so that young people from all over the world could come and see Estonia and make a difference here. This function gives our members an opportunity to try their hand in project writing and management, including negotiating and collaborating with potential partners.

The function of Incoming Global Entrepreneur and Talent is all about developing our member’s sales skills. We do that by contacting companies in order to have internship opportunities here in Estonia for young people from different countries. This function gives our members a chance to do some international recruitment and learn about the visa process.

When the two previously mentioned functions are focused on making a change in Estonia, then the Outgoing Exchange function works on finding young people from Estonia who would be interested in going abroad to volunteer or do an internship. We help them find suitable projects, deal with the application process and also prepare for their trip. This means we help our members take their public speaking and customer experience management skills to the next level.

Creating an effective marketing campaign sometimes calls for a unicorn 🦄 onesie.

Our Marketing function works on helping other functions by handling our social media, organizing and advertising our events, and of course, works on making AIESEC as a brand known among the young people of Estonia. The Talent Management function deals with the recruitment of new members, organizing trainings for our members and overall making sure that everyone inside AIESEC are happy and enjoying their time while developing themselves the most they can.

Finance and Legalities makes sure that the contracts get signed, bills get paid and that everything that we do in AIESEC is in accordance with the law and that we as an organization are financially sustainable. The IT function works on automating processes inside our organization so that we could work more efficiently and impact more young people in Estonia and all over the world.

What have we achieved?

Knowing the functions are nice and all, but what have we actually done in these functions in the past year? In AIESEC in Tallinn, we organized a project called YOUTHPRENEUR that took place this summer. This project brought 8 volunteers to Estonia, who worked with children and taught them different skills such as teamwork and leadership and also about the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. By teaching these skills, we hope that the kids will become great leaders and entrepreneurs in their future.

In addition, we organized an event called Human Library with our partner organization Youth Club Active and made a partnership with Erasmus+. Other than that, we sent two young people on internships, one dealing with marketing in Austria and the other in the Netherlands.

Crew for one of the events AIESEC in Tartu organized in May of 2019 — Project Zero

AIESEC in Tartu has also had an interesting year. We organized a volunteering project in the summer called GreenEST, during which we had 5 volunteers come to Estonia and teach kids at our summer camp about climate change and how to prevent it. We also brought 2 interns to Estonia, one from Mexico and the other from China, who are working here as Sales Managers perfecting their sales skills.

Besides bringing people to Estonia, we sent 5 young people to volunteering project in Brazil, Peru, Taiwan, Germany and Indonesia, dealing with topics including teaching young kids English, helping immigrants settle into their new country and helping clean up trash and being more sustainable. In Finance we have been working on a new structure for the function that is more sustainable and provides effective solutions for the organization. The members of AIESEC in Tartu were also busy organizing different events such as Project Zero, a marketing training for the OLE ROHKEM. Network with Turundusjutud, and a Pelmeni Party.

Become part of our family! If any of this sparked your interest, then join us and we can make it happen.

If you aren’t 100% convinced yet, then shoot us a message to find out more.

Join us.



Aiki Laaneots
AIESEC in Estonia
Writer for

Not all those who wander are lost. Content Manager at AIESEC in Tartu.