The Habits of a Happy Teacher

Keeping you energized throughout the year

John Abi Farah
Aimee's Blog
2 min readAug 22, 2018


Ask any teacher: “What are your biggest challenges?” Most will say: “STRESS and TIME management.”

All educators know that leading a class requires dedication and a lot of hard work. A teacher’s workday begins the moment they open their eyes each morning:

Preparing the learning material
Motivating your students
Helping them through their difficulties
Facilitating group work and projects
Coaching them after hours
Assessing their efforts to improve and learn

And of course, it doesn’t end there. So how can teachers maintain their own peace and happiness throughout the school year?

We found a handful of happy full-time teachers, and asked them: “How do YOU balance work, family, and friendships, and maintain a positive healthy attitude?” Here are the top 5 responses:

1.A friendly class is an easier class”
You are a great teacher, but it’s the friendly, kind teachers students remember most. So use your instincts, listen to them, and use a great weapon, humor, whenever possible.

2.Trust and encouragement”
One of the easiest ways to establish a connection with your students is to praise their efforts and talk to them in a non-judgmental way. Nothing breeds trust more than an inspiring solid two-way communication.

3.Assist your colleagues”
Extend your great classroom attitude to your staff room. Communicate with your fellow educators and offer to help. Strive to be supportive and positive, and avoid “workplace gossip” like the plague.

4.Carve out some ‘school-free’ time”
This is probably the most common answer we received. Teachers rarely finish all their work at school; most bring some home with them. While that may be “part of the job,” it’s essential to designate some “school-free” time, where talking shop is simply off-limits.

5.Take a nice vacation”
Your job is to constantly give and nurture. You work hard all year, so you are entitled to play hard too! Take the time necessary to get back in touch with friends and family, and make sure to use the summer to travel and explore.

“A very wise old teacher once said: I consider a day’s teaching wasted if we do not all have one hearty laugh.” — Gilbert Highet

Originally published at on August 22, 2018.

