Top 8 AI Chatbots

Harshita Katiyar
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
8 min readJul 31, 2023

What are ChatBots? 😲

Chatbots are computer programs or applications that use artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to simulate human-like conversations with users through a chat interface. These bots are designed to understand user queries and provide relevant responses in real-time, acting as virtual assistants or customer service representatives. Chatbots can be integrated into various platforms, such as websites, messaging apps, and social media platforms, to facilitate interactions and provide instant support to users.

These conversational agents can be rule-based or AI-powered. Rule-based chatbots follow predefined sets of rules and responses programmed by developers, while AI chatbots utilize machine learning and NLP algorithms to continuously learn from user interactions, improving their responses over time. AI chatbots offer a more sophisticated and natural conversation experience, adapting to user language variations and complex queries, making them more versatile and effective in delivering seamless interactions.

Why is there a difference between AI ChatBots and ChatBots? 🤔

The difference between AI chatbots and regular chatbots lies in their underlying technology and capabilities. Traditional chatbots, also known as rule-based chatbots, operate on a predefined set of rules and responses provided by developers. They follow a fixed decision tree, offering limited flexibility in handling complex queries or understanding natural language variations. While rule-based chatbots can perform basic tasks and answer straightforward questions, they lack the ability to adapt and learn from user interactions.

On the other hand, AI chatbots, also known as smart chatbots or conversational AI, incorporate artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing to understand user inputs, comprehend context, and provide more nuanced responses. AI chatbots continuously learn from user interactions, improving their understanding and effectiveness over time. They can handle complex queries, recognize intent, and deliver more human-like conversations, making them more dynamic and capable of providing personalized and contextually relevant information.

Why do we need AI ChatBots? 👀

AI chatbots offer several valuable benefits that make them essential in various industries and applications. Firstly, AI chatbots provide instant and personalized customer support, significantly improving response times and enhancing the overall customer experience. They can handle a large volume of inquiries simultaneously, ensuring users receive immediate assistance, even outside regular business hours.

Secondly, AI chatbots reduce operational costs for businesses by automating repetitive tasks and customer interactions. They can handle routine inquiries, such as FAQs, order status updates, and appointment bookings, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex and high-value tasks.

Thirdly, AI chatbots enable businesses to gather valuable data and insights from user interactions. By analyzing user queries and preferences, businesses can gain a better understanding of customer needs and pain points, leading to more informed decision-making and improved products or services.

Overall, AI chatbots offer efficiency, scalability, and improved customer engagement, making them a crucial tool for businesses seeking to enhance their customer support, streamline operations, and stay competitive in the digital era.

The Main Agenda — Top 5 AI Chatbots

This list is based on the following criteria:

  • The chatbot’s ability to generate human-like text
  • The chatbot’s ability to answer questions in a comprehensive and informative way
  • The chatbot’s ability to learn and adapt to the way users interact with it
  • The chatbot’s ease of use
  • The chatbot’s pricing

Please note that we have tried to provide you with the best list, and there are many other great AI chatbots out there. It is important to do your own research to find the one that is right for you.

1. ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI that leverages GPT-3, a state-of-the-art language model. It stands out for its natural language understanding and generation capabilities, providing users with human-like and contextually relevant responses. One unique point about ChatGPT is its adaptability across various domains, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, from customer support to creative writing assistance. Users can interact with ChatGPT through a user-friendly chat interface, allowing seamless and dynamic conversations that feel like chatting with a real person.

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2. Drift

Drift’s Conversational AI platform offers AI chatbots designed to streamline customer interactions and lead generation. It features advanced natural language processing, enabling the chatbots to comprehend user intent and provide personalized responses. One unique point about Drift is its integration with sales and marketing tools, enabling businesses to capture and qualify leads efficiently. Drift’s AI chatbots can engage website visitors proactively, helping businesses convert more leads into customers and improving overall customer engagement.

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3. Intercom

Intercom’s Customizable Bots is an AI chatbot platform that allows businesses to build and deploy bots tailored to their specific needs. It offers a visual bot builder, making it easy for non-technical users to create and customize chatbots. One unique point about Intercom is its ability to seamlessly escalate conversations from bots to human agents, providing a smooth and personalized customer experience. Businesses can use Intercom’s AI chatbots for various purposes, such as answering customer queries, scheduling appointments, and collecting valuable customer feedback.

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BARD (Basic AI Response Dialog) is an AI chatbot developed by Google. It stands out for its simplicity and ease of integration, enabling developers to incorporate AI chat capabilities into their applications effortlessly. One unique point about BARD is its lightweight and efficient design, making it ideal for mobile applications and devices with limited resources. Despite its simplicity, BARD can handle basic conversational tasks, offering users a straightforward and convenient chatbot experience.

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5. Watson Assistant

Watson Assistant, developed by IBM, is an AI chatbot platform that combines the power of natural language understanding and machine learning. It offers advanced conversational capabilities, allowing businesses to create chatbots that understand user intent and provide accurate responses. One unique point about Watson Assistant is its integration with IBM Cloud, enabling businesses to leverage additional AI services and tools seamlessly. Watson Assistant can be utilized across various industries, including healthcare, banking, and customer service, to deliver personalized and effective interactions with users.

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6. Bonussss — Botssss (Microsoft Bot Framework)

Microsoft Bot Framework is a comprehensive platform for building and deploying AI chatbots across multiple channels, such as web, mobile, and messaging apps. It stands out for its extensive developer tools and resources, enabling developers to create sophisticated chatbots with ease. One unique point about the Microsoft Bot Framework is its integration with Microsoft Azure, providing scalable and reliable hosting for chatbot applications. With support for multiple programming languages and frameworks, developers can customize chatbots to meet specific business needs and create conversational experiences that align with their brand.

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7. LivePerson

LivePerson offers an AI-powered conversational platform that empowers businesses to engage customers through AI chatbots and live chat solutions. It stands out for its AI engine, which continuously learns from customer interactions to improve response accuracy and relevance. One unique point about LivePerson is its ability to seamlessly transfer complex queries from chatbots to human agents, ensuring a seamless customer experience when more personalized support is required. LivePerson’s AI chatbots assist businesses in delivering efficient and proactive customer support while gaining valuable insights from user interactions to enhance customer engagement.

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8. Genesys DX

Genesys DX provides an AI-powered chat solution that enhances customer interactions and support. It stands out for its integration with Genesys Cloud, enabling businesses to harness a suite of contact center and customer experience solutions. One unique point about Genesys DX is its omnichannel capabilities, allowing chatbots to engage with customers across various touchpoints, including web, mobile, and social media. Genesys DX’s AI chatbots offer intelligent and contextually aware responses, fostering personalized interactions and driving customer satisfaction.


In conclusion, the array of AI chatbot platforms presented here offers a diverse set of tools and features to enhance customer interactions and support across various industries. ChatGPT by OpenAI impresses with its advanced language understanding and adaptability across domains, making it a versatile and engaging conversational AI for a wide range of applications. Drift’s Conversational AI platform stands out with its seamless integration with sales and marketing tools, helping businesses generate and qualify leads efficiently while providing personalized responses to users. Intercom’s Customizable Bots offers a user-friendly visual bot builder and the ability to escalate conversations from bots to human agents, creating a personalized customer experience.

BARD from Google presents a lightweight and easy-to-integrate AI chatbot solution, ideal for mobile applications and devices with limited resources. IBM’s Watson Assistant offers sophisticated conversational capabilities with seamless integration with IBM Cloud, empowering businesses to deliver personalized interactions across various industries. The Microsoft Bot Framework provides a comprehensive platform for developers to build sophisticated chatbots and offers extensive resources for customization. LivePerson and Genesys DX excel in their AI engines’ continuous learning and omnichannel capabilities, enabling seamless and personalized customer support across multiple touchpoints. Overall, these AI chatbot platforms present powerful tools for businesses seeking to streamline customer interactions, enhance user experiences, and gain valuable insights through AI-driven conversational interactions.

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