Top 5 Free AI Essay Writers

Harshita Katiyar
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
12 min readAug 14, 2023

In simple terms, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a technology that enables machines to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence. It allows computers to learn from experience, adapt to new situations, and make decisions based on the data they receive. AI can process large amounts of information quickly, recognize patterns, and solve complex problems without explicit programming for each specific task.

Imagine AI as a virtual brain that can learn and understand things just like we do. It can help with various tasks, such as recognizing objects in images, understanding and responding to spoken language, driving autonomous vehicles, predicting weather patterns, and even playing games like chess or Go at a high level. AI is continuously improving and becoming more capable, and it has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives by making machines smarter and more helpful.

Do we need AI Essay Writers? 🤔

The need for AI essay writers is a topic that sparks debate among educators, writers, and technology enthusiasts. AI-powered language models like the one used to generate this response can indeed produce essays and written content. These AI-generated essays have some advantages, such as speed, scalability, and the ability to process vast amounts of information quickly.

However, there are significant concerns and limitations associated with AI essay writers. Some of these concerns include:

  • Lack of Creativity and Originality: While AI can generate content based on existing data, it lacks the creative thinking and originality that human writers bring to their work. AI-generated essays might lack the depth of insight and unique perspectives that human writers can provide.
  • Quality and Coherence: AI-generated content may not always maintain consistent quality, and there may be issues with coherence, grammar, or context. Human writers often have a better grasp of language nuances and can produce more polished and refined essays.
  • Ethical Concerns: There are ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI essay writers. Plagiarism, copyright violations, and misrepresentation of authorship can be significant issues if AI-generated essays are used without proper attribution or acknowledgment.
  • Understanding of Complex Topics: AI models are limited in their ability to truly understand complex topics deeply. Human writers can conduct in-depth research, critically analyze information, and provide nuanced perspectives that AI may struggle to match.
  • Personal Touch and Empathy: Human writers can infuse their essays with personal experiences, emotions, and empathy, which can resonate more deeply with readers compared to AI-generated content.

Will it replace me as a WRITER? 😲

While AI essay writers can be useful in certain contexts, they are not a complete replacement for human writers. The ideal scenario is a collaborative approach where AI tools are used to assist human writers, enhancing their productivity and supporting research and fact-checking processes.

Ultimately, the need for AI essay writers will depend on the specific context and requirements of the task at hand. Human writers will continue to play a vital role in producing high-quality, creative, and empathetic content that connects with readers on a deeper level.

Will FREE AI essay writers be worth it? 🤔☁️

[Ding Dong] Let me be brutally honest here; The use of free AI essay writers can be tempting for those seeking quick and effortless content creation. However, there are several factors to consider before relying solely on such tools:

  • Quality of Output: Free AI essay writers might not produce the same level of quality as paid or premium alternatives. The generated content may lack coherence, context, and accuracy, requiring significant manual editing and review.
  • Plagiarism Concerns: Free AI essay writers may not have robust plagiarism checks, potentially leading to content that is not original and could raise ethical and legal issues.
  • Limited Features: Free versions of AI essay writers often come with limited features and functionality. Paid versions might offer more comprehensive tools and options, providing better results.
  • Privacy and Data Security: Free tools might not prioritize data security and privacy, which could pose risks when dealing with sensitive information.
  • Customer Support: Free AI essay writers may lack dedicated customer support, making it challenging to address issues or seek assistance.
  • Usage Limitations: Some free versions may have restrictions on word count or the number of uses, limiting their usefulness for larger or frequent projects.

While free AI essay writers can serve as a starting point for content creation, they may not be the best option for critical and high-stakes writing tasks. For professional or academic purposes, investing in a reputable and paid AI writing tool with better features, support, and content quality is recommended. Additionally, combining AI-generated content with human review and editing ensures the highest standard of output while leveraging the speed and efficiency of AI technology.

The Main Agenda — Top 5 Free AI Essay Writers

When distinguishing one free AI essay generator from another, several qualities can serve as differentiating factors. Here are some essential qualities to consider:

  • Content Quality
  • Customization Options
  • Language Support
  • Plagiarism Checks
  • Speed and Efficiency
  • Topic Versatility
  • User Interface and Experience
  • Customer Support
  • Word Limit and Usage Constraints
  • Data Privacy and Security
  • Updates and Improvements

By assessing these qualities, users can identify the AI essay generator that aligns best with their specific needs and requirements, offering a valuable and efficient solution for content creation.

1. Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI-powered conversational platform developed by OpenAI. It uses the GPT-3.5 language model to facilitate human-like interactions in natural language. Users can engage with Chat GPT in real-time conversations, making it useful for chatbots, virtual assistants, and interactive applications.

Pros: Chat GPT excels in its ability to engage users in natural and interactive conversations, offering a personalized experience. Its dynamic responses make it suitable for a wide range of applications, including customer support, language translation, and creative writing. The AI model’s contextual understanding allows it to provide relevant and coherent responses, enhancing the user experience.

Cons: One limitation of Chat GPT might be occasional responses that lack context or coherence, requiring manual intervention to ensure accuracy. As an AI language model, it may not fully comprehend complex or ambiguous queries, leading to potential misinterpretations.

Unique Point: Chat GPT’s unique point lies in its interactive nature, making it an engaging and valuable tool for conversational AI applications. Users can hold flowing, dynamic discussions with the AI, fostering more natural and interactive exchanges.

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BARD, developed by Google, stands for “Bay Area Rapid Dialect.” It is an experimental AI language model focusing on understanding and generating text with various regional dialects and colloquial expressions. BARD aims to capture the linguistic diversity of different communities, facilitating communication and language preservation.

Pros: BARD’s specialization in regional dialects sets it apart from mainstream AI language models, emphasizing linguistic diversity and cultural understanding. It becomes a valuable tool for interacting with localized communities and promoting inclusivity in natural language processing.

Cons: As an experimental project, BARD might still be evolving, and its language coverage might not be as extensive as other language models. It might not offer the same level of versatility in handling standard language forms.

Unique Point: BARD’s standout feature is its focus on preserving and understanding regional dialects, making it a unique contribution to the field of AI language models. By catering to diverse linguistic expressions, BARD showcases Google’s commitment to promoting inclusive language technologies.

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3. MS Bing AI

MS Bing AI is an artificial intelligence extension of the Bing search engine by Microsoft. Integrating AI technology, it enhances search results and user experiences by providing more relevant and accurate information.

Pros: MS Bing AI’s integration with the Bing search engine improves the quality of search results, offering personalized search recommendations and intelligent answers to user queries. The platform supports voice search and offers smart features, making it a competitive choice among search engines.

Cons: Compared to more popular search engines, MS Bing AI’s user base might be smaller, which could limit its effectiveness. The quality of search results might vary depending on the region and language, potentially affecting user satisfaction.

Unique Point: MS Bing AI’s unique point lies in its seamless integration with the Bing search engine, utilizing AI technology to deliver a refined and personalized search experience. This combination enhances user engagement and sets it apart from traditional search engines.

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4. Essay AI Lab

Essay AI Lab is an online platform that employs artificial intelligence to assist users in generating essays and academic content. It utilizes advanced natural language processing algorithms to generate text based on provided prompts or topics. Essay AI Lab aims to streamline the essay writing process, providing users with suggestions and content that can serve as a starting point for their writing tasks.

Pros and Cons: One of the significant advantages of Essay AI Lab is its focus on academic writing, making it a valuable tool for students and educators seeking writing support. It can provide topic ideas, research materials, and even generate content for essays, saving time and effort for users. However, while the AI-generated content can be helpful as a starting point, it may not fully replace the need for original research and critical thinking in academic writing. Users should ensure that the generated content is used responsibly to avoid plagiarism concerns.

Unique Point: Essay AI Lab’s unique point lies in its specialization in academic writing support. By catering specifically to essay writing, it becomes a dedicated tool for assisting students and educators in the academic domain.

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5. MyEssayWriter.AI

MyEssayWriter.AI is an AI-powered writing tool designed to help users create essays, articles, and other written content. It utilizes natural language processing to generate human-like text based on user-provided prompts or topics. MyEssayWriter.AI aims to facilitate content creation for individuals and businesses, providing a convenient solution for those seeking quick and efficient writing support.

Pros and Cons: MyEssayWriter.AI offers a user-friendly interface and streamlined content generation process, making it accessible to users with varying writing expertise. It can be a time-saving tool for generating initial content for various writing purposes. However, users should be aware that the quality of the generated content may vary, and there may be occasional issues with grammar or coherence. Manual review and editing might be necessary to ensure the final output aligns with the intended message.

Unique Point: MyEssayWriter.AI’s unique point lies in its versatility for creating essays, articles, and other written content. It offers a broad range of content generation capabilities, making it useful for various writing needs.

6. WordTune

WordTune is an AI writing tool that assists users in improving and rewriting their content. It uses natural language processing to suggest alternative wording, sentence structures, and phrasing to enhance the clarity and quality of the text. WordTune aims to be a valuable tool for writers looking to refine their writing and communicate more effectively.

Pros and Cons: WordTune’s ability to provide writing suggestions and alternatives can be immensely beneficial for users seeking to improve their content. It can enhance the readability and coherence of the text, making it more engaging for readers. However, while WordTune can offer valuable insights, users should exercise discretion in accepting all suggestions, as some may not align with the intended message or tone.

Unique Point: WordTune’s unique point lies in its focus on rewriting and improving existing content. It complements the writing process by providing users with alternative phrasing and sentence structures, making it a useful tool for refining and polishing writing.

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7. ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid is a comprehensive writing and editing tool that analyzes written content for grammar, style, and readability. It provides users with in-depth reports and suggestions to improve their writing. ProWritingAid aims to be a versatile platform for writers, editors, and content creators seeking to enhance the quality of their work.

Pros and Cons: ProWritingAid offers a wide range of writing analysis features, including grammar checking, style suggestions, and readability improvements. Its detailed reports can provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the writing. However, the platform’s free version may have limitations, and users might need to subscribe to access all the advanced features.

Unique Point: ProWritingAid’s unique point lies in its comprehensive approach to writing analysis. It goes beyond simple grammar checking and provides detailed reports and suggestions to help users refine their writing style and improve the overall quality of their content.

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Description: is an online platform that offers free essay writing services powered by AI. Users can input prompts or topics, and the AI generates essays and other written content based on the input. The platform aims to be a quick and accessible solution for individuals seeking help with their writing tasks.

Pros and Cons: The primary advantage of is its cost-free nature, making it a convenient option for users on a tight budget. It can be helpful for generating initial content for essays and articles. However, users should be cautious about the quality of the output, as free AI-generated content might not meet the same standards as paid or premium alternatives. Plagiarism checks and manual review are essential to ensure originality and accuracy.

Unique Point: The unique point of lies in its offering of free essay writing services. While there are various AI-powered writing tools available, sets itself apart by providing these services at no cost. It can be a valuable resource for students and writers looking to generate ideas or draft essays quickly. However, users should remember that quality assurance and originality are essential when using any AI writing tool, even if it is free of charge.

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The reviewed AI-powered language and content generation platforms each offer unique features and advantages:

Chat GPT stands out with its interactive conversational capabilities, enabling users to engage in real-time discussions with the AI model. Its versatility for brainstorming ideas and receiving writing suggestions makes it a valuable tool for various purposes.

BARD impresses with its focus on regional dialects and colloquial expressions, showcasing Google’s commitment to linguistic diversity. While still an experimental project, it presents a unique approach to capturing the richness of localized language variations.

MS Bing AI gains its edge through seamless integration with the Bing search engine. The AI technology enhances search results and provides intelligent answers, optimizing the search experience for users.

Essay AI Lab specializes in academic writing support, making it a valuable tool for students and educators seeking assistance with essay writing. It offers topic ideas, research materials, and essay content generation, streamlining the writing process.

MyEssayWriter.AI presents a versatile approach to generating essays, articles, and other written content. Its user-friendly interface and streamlined content generation process make it accessible to users with varying writing expertise.

WordTune focuses on rewriting and improving existing content, providing users with alternative phrasing and sentence structures. This unique feature complements the writing process and helps refine the overall quality of the content.

ProWritingAid sets itself apart with its comprehensive writing analysis features, going beyond grammar checks to offer detailed reports and suggestions for improving writing style and quality. offers free essay writing services powered by AI, making it a cost-effective option for generating initial essay content. However, users should be cautious about the quality of the output and ensure originality and accuracy through manual review and plagiarism checks.

In conclusion, the reviewed AI writing platforms cater to various needs, from interactive conversations to regional language variations and academic support. Each platform offers distinct advantages, making them valuable tools for different writing tasks. As technology continues to advance, these AI-driven platforms play an increasingly significant role in content creation and communication. Users must leverage these tools responsibly and combine AI-generated content with human review to ensure the best outcomes.

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